gas prices ...

Chromatose said:
lolz, I think thats the pic that NAD linked too, but it didn't work b/c yahoo is gay (I recognized his url from trying to copy the link earlier myself)
yeah and now i don't need to wrestle with stupid edit post woo!!!!

seriously, that's when um is the absolute WORST, when you try to edit something it essplodes in yer face.

i have to drive to redondo beach tomorrow and will probably need to plan ahead to get gas. stupids.

going out there is seriously the WORST DRIVE EVER because you have to travel the entire length of the WORST FREEWAY EVER the fucking 91.

seriously, i challenge any city to come up with a more buttfucked freeway than that one. ugh.
circus_brimstone said:
Uh, how do you live? :confused:
heheh, im an RN and those 3 days a week are 12-20 hour shifts. i failed to mention that. the ol' lady doesnt work anymore because shes pregnant and we planned for that shit. we live a pretty low-key lifestyle in order to be a one income family, which is illegal in America nowadays.
dorian gray said:
we live a pretty low-key lifestyle in order to be a one income family, which is illegal in America nowadays.
bwahahahahaha so true.

me, single, make good cash, can't afford a house in the ghetto. WTF.
yeah, i seriously dont know how single people buy houses now, in this absurd market. ours cost the same as the median price here and we break even now without her income.
breaking even = good times.
lurch70 said:
fuck .. and I have relatives coming in next week from Hungary ... expecting to be driven all over NY and Atlantic City ... + have to rent some big gas guzzling car ... + and they are here for 2 weeks.

super duper!!! :kickass: :(

$3.59 6 hours later ...
$3.17 for 91 down the street from me just now.
dorian gray said:
yeah, i seriously dont know how single people buy houses now, in this absurd market. ours cost the same as the median price here and we break even now without her income.
breaking even = good times.
i read an article last week and found out how: 20% of new home buyers over the past 5 (i think) years in california spend 50% of their salary on their mortgage every month. HALF THEIR MONEY. what's the typical rule, 28% for rent/mortgage? i fudged that for awhile and went up to like 33% and got into debt, i can't imagine idiots like me who actually bought an overvalued house in this market.
yeah, prices are going down in canadar as well. Somewhere around 90 cents a litre. At least here in vancouver.... of course, a year ago we were foaming at the mouth with rage about 70 cents.
lizard said:
I was talking to this hot chick who was working at the clark station....
hahaha! what did the fact that she's hot have to do with it? heheh

yeah, prices here are around $2.10. i dunno really. i buy gas about once a month. my wife though, jesus, its like shes trying to dry up the supply all by herself.
another thought: "coming of age" in the early 90s, i have it stuck in my head that gas should always be around $1. i can never get around that. so, $2 gas to me is like "FUCK! thats twice what it SHOULD be!" it's vomit-inducing to spend $30 on my 12 gallon tank.