Generalizations in metal


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
Do you guys think there should be generalization in metal... like grouping cetain bands as black metal or death metal? I personally think the generalizations should exist... but there are bands that break generalizations.. .its hard to say what they sound like.... like agalloch and atheist....

do you think its okay to generalize?
"Genre labels were never supposed to go into detail. Putting a bunch of bands under the same label isn't "generalising", particularly in a genre like black metal which has such aesthetic flexibility. It's like putting two different makes of car under the label "cars" - doesn't suggest that they're the same, only that they fit the criteria required to be labeled as cars." - me
Indeed...most people consider black metal to be fast-paced; not all of it is. Most people think the "black metal" style of vocals is shrill, harsh, screamsl there are some bands with groans, lower rasps, and even possibly death vocals or even just vocal sounds/whispers. The possibilities within a genre are endless. Generalization in metal is perfectly fine, as long as one realizes the flexibility of a certain genre.
The Tragedy Of Man said:
"Genre labels were never supposed to go into detail. Putting a bunch of bands under the same label isn't "generalising", particularly in a genre like black metal which has such aesthetic flexibility. It's like putting two different makes of car under the label "cars" - doesn't suggest that they're the same, only that they fit the criteria required to be labeled as cars." - me


Just don't listen to people who say genres are pointless.
swizzlenuts said:
Do you guys think there should be generalization in metal... like grouping cetain bands as black metal or death metal? I personally think the generalizations should exist... but there are bands that break generalizations.. .its hard to say what they sound like.... like agalloch and atheist....

do you think its okay to generalize?

Do you mean categorize, or generalize? I don't think you know the difference.

I like genre definitions, and most bands realize they're useful as well. Death metal is different from black metal, and doom metal different further still. Why would you want everything to be all the same?
Well i mean more of a categorize, but i suck at explaining what i mean.... so here is another shot... Sort of saying... if someone says here listen to this band "arf" they are black metal... will you still listen if it isn't black metal? Well its hard for me to do that with some bands... unless the person trying to get me to listen to "arf" is very intent and says its unique black metal.......

Meaning that is it bad that i do that or is it okay to generalize to say that you dont like most of a genre.....

maybe that will clear shit up...
I think genre-izing is a very good thing - people gave a general idea about how each genre sounds, and you can just say band x is power metal, instead of describing them as "fast, double-bass filled metal with high, clean vocals who sing about battling dragons made of guitars with their guitars made of swords" and such.

Of course, being a total nazi over genres is a bit dumb, even though I always do it >_>
As flexible as black metal is, there are several core tenets that are commonly adhered to, whether they "must" be or not for it to be considered black metal is a different story. What I'm trying to say is that many of the younger, more impressionable, differently motivated, or just plain fucking stupider bands will try their hardest to emulate every single thing that makes them "black metal" without putting any effort into achieving a distinct sound or adding anything to the genre. Unfortunate is this, says me. Would there be less bands like this if there were no genre-labels? Who knows?