Ghost Reveries = Goblin/Camel influences


Jan 27, 2004
Is it just me?

I think it it strange out of all the reviews and opinions I have read about Ghost Reveries that nobody has picked up on the Goblin/Camel influence-

I like Per having a big part in the band and album and I think Mikael wanted to experiment with Per on Ghost Reveries by exploring the Goblin/Camel influences that has been inside him so long...with Per on board full time, Mikael was finally able to do that with Ghost Reveries- I hear it all over the place-

is it just me?
Granted I'm not a huge fan of Goblin, seeing as I've heard them on movie soundtracks, but if you can point out parts that seem Goblin-ish I'll check them out to see.
Camel's is always all over the place.Mikael is heavily influenced by Camel and said so in numerous occasions.about goblin i don't know them that much.
what I do know and this is probably the seventh time I say this in this forum in the past few days.Atonement is totally ripped of an old beatles song called tomorrow never knows.
it is just you. your knowledge of goblins compositions vs. opeth's compositions is disturbingly false. as for camel, from time to time his leads have reflected similar taste and technique and style that latimer had. but i dont think ive ever heard an opeth song (other than ending credits and benighted) and said "OMG, THATS SO CAMEL!"
NineFeetUnderground said:
it is just you. your knowledge of goblins compositions vs. opeth's compositions is disturbingly false. as for camel, from time to time his leads have reflected similar taste and technique and style that latimer had. but i dont think ive ever heard an opeth song (other than ending credits and benighted) and said "OMG, THATS SO CAMEL!"

FRUGiHOYi said:
4:14 on Beneath the Mire... that guitar/keyboard solo is soooo Camel.

Come on, you can't deny it.
Yeah, the opening of Atonement is VERY much like Tomorrow Never Knows, but that's where the similarity ends. The rest of the song is FAR more slower than TNK and the pace and style is completely different.

It's like with Benighted. The opening is camel-ish, but then once he starts singing it is all opeth and that's where the similarity ends.