Ghost Reveries release date(confirmed by roadrunner)

Awesome! Then its probably also 29th Aug in Denmark. I will get the record one day before the people in the states, kick ass!
Its not that long away, Im still waiting for my copy of deadwing I ordered in April. Thats about 6 months waiting for the album and another two for it to be shipped. waiting till august is nothing.

Cant wait
My eyes jumped to the Chimaira date first, and I got excited for a second. At least it's not September 30th. It'll leak, yeah, but.. I'm not going down that road.
Looking for a Job said:
then don't play the song, bitch

Yeah, I really don't get her reasoning there, although by the sounds of most of her replies, she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

I can respect that she didn't want the song recorded and distributed online - I would have been the same, but what did she expect? It aired on online radio - it was only a matter of time until someone actually recorded it.

It's kind of like giving awesome hot apple pie to your pet and then berating it after it eats it. Just seems totally self-defeating. It never should have been aired in the first place.
Looking for a Job said:
and it's not like she pulled it out of her ass and totally surprised everone with it. in a previous interview she said "we'll be playing new opeth in a few weeks" then they repeated the song the next night...horrible logic on her behalf

I beleive this phrase nicely sums it up: FUCK! Shit we fucked up, now the songs all over the net! Crikee! Who can we blame?!

Didn't it say August 30 like really early on the opeth mainsite?
Anyway I hope the CD gets released in Wal-marts around the country! Including my area!
And if it is leaked, I will probably download it so I can UNDERSTAND the CD before it comes out, and be able to accept it. Sort of like with Pain of Salvation's BE concept... woo.... I downloaded it and I was like... crap... but it grew on me and became my favorite of their work even before it was released. So har har.... And I bought the studio CD, and the live DVD + CD.... Great stuff... I can only hope Opeth releases a DVD+CD LIVE box set like the PoS DVD.
fhare said:
I beleive this phrase nicely sums it up: FUCK! Shit we fucked up, now the songs all over the net! Crikee! Who can we blame?!


Well, me, for starters :lol:. But yeah, maybe it'd be good if Gunhaver stays under the radar for a while. It seems like the Roadrunner crew are out for ass over this.

I personally just wish they'd move the release date forward by a month or so. I think what they're trying to do is get ready to distribute to every part of the world on the same date, which is why they've offset the release so far back.

But by the sounds of the underground on the internet it seems like some shady characters will leak the album a while before then, which ultimately = more loss for Opeth.
I don't see what the big deal is here, really. It's essentially the same thing as telling the online community where they can hear the song on radioplay (like the original poster has done.)

Instaed of looking for it, well, "gunhaver" just made things easier I guess. Gives us a nice taste - and a taste it all really is. Hell, we have some idea of the song, but blasting it out loud on your speaker system with ultra-crisp sound will be a whole different story. Pure...and...simple.

Like, if THE MOOR was in this quality, we'd hear some nice stuff, but geez, it sounds SO DAMN GOOD on a nice pair of JBL speakers, oh yeah (and right off the album itself, of course.)
unfortunately, when it leaks, i will probably download it, then buy the CD, but i REALLY wanna wait til it comes out then buy it and blast the CD on my 5.1 setup, thats sure to make the neighbors mad, but thats ok :)