Give Metallica Some Goddamn Respect!

We apologize for talking about this. We meant no harm...just idle, meaningless conversations to pass the time. I can't beleive how stupid I was for starting this thread.

Originally posted by LORD_GALVATRON
The problem is they don't have anything better to talk about.
I am confused, if you don't like these so called "old arguments", why are you participating in it? It is good Metallica has no rules because that gives them more creative control over what they do. Again celtic frost, if you don't like the arguments, don't read this thread. It's not like your being foreced to read this, it's your own choice. So quit yer BITCHIN! Love it or leave it PUNK!

Originally posted by Celtic Frost
Metallica has no rules, they play however they want. If you don't like load, re-load, the black album, or anything after the black album, then good for you, we dont give two shits. Im tired of hearing the same arguments from people, "They sucked after And Justice For All".."Metallica cut their hair, they sold out".."Metallica sucks, they took my Napster away"... Give me a brake. Is their anything else we could waste our time on besides pulling out the same old shitty arguments?? Is this what the music world has come to, a bunch of people worrying about the length of peoples hair and the fact that they took their Napster away?? What the hell is all of this. Here is what i have to say to you Napster people Bitching and Moaning about how you refuse to buy CD's because they are too expensive..If you can afford a computer to use Napster on, then you sure as hell can afford a CD. If you cant afford a cd, buy a Casette. Problem solved. Drop these old arguments and find something better to talk about.
Originally posted by LORD_SPOUT_CRAP
I am just insulting the closed minded people here who refuse to think for themselves and rely on what other people tell them for what they believe.

You mean anyone who doesn't agree with you.

s'funny how you only appear on here when someone starts slagging metallica ain't it, and you claim we ain't got anything better to talk about, wanker.

anyway metallica SUCK!

Originally posted by Celtic Frost
Im tired of hearing the same arguments from people, "They sucked after And Justice For All".."Metallica cut their hair, they sold out".."Metallica sucks, they took my Napster away"...

Well don't read it then. no-ones forcing you to read it and spout your pop-fan point of view are they?

Originally posted by MindMorgue

You mean anyone who doesn't agree with you.

s'funny how you only appear on here when someone starts slagging metallica ain't it, and you claim we ain't got anything better to talk about, wanker.

anyway metallica SUCK!


Very true, MindMorgue. For someone who claims to be an Anthrax fan, the only posts of his I've seen are on Metallica related topics. There are 400 non-Metallica related threads, but according to him, Metallica is all we talk about.
i'm pretty new around here, but honestly i haven't once see anyone actually comment on the reason for the napster goes back a few years even before file transfers made getting music really easy, basically the gist of the situation was that metallica entered into a lawsuit to own the rights to all their masters so that their songs couldn't be made part of an ad campaign or be sold off without their consent, considering the fact that the label owns the sound recordings generally, they can make your tunes part of a tampon commercial if they get the right price, so in justification for that they(metallica) own the rights to all their master recordings, if you look at the copyrights on the several albums they are noted as e/m ventures, basically showing the joint venture they created with elektra to put out their music and distribute for a change in creative direction, i can point to rush as a glimmering example...they stayed viable commercially but are still writing music that connects with their fanbase, expands it, and remains a reflection of where they are at the time they recorded it....that's all for now...cheers
I have a Butt
It's not a big butt
It's not a pretty butt
It's a stinky butt
It's a hairy butt
Sometimes my butt talks
He says "FART"
Sometimes I can't keep him quiet.
Sometimes, no matter how much I strain, He won't make a peep (or a poop)
But thats just how my Butt is.
I'm glad I have a butt.
It's my own built in seat cushin
Thank you butt
for without you
I would never poop
I would never pas gas
My legs wouldn't be connected to anything
My pants wouldn't stay up.
I would kiss you
But thats just gay
and thankfully, you're on the other end

thank you for your time
I'm just not going to respect Metallica ever again , ever since that song they did with Jarule! I thought that it was a rumor, but it turned out to be true, they fuckin suck!
Originally posted by AjDeath
I'm just not going to respect Metallica ever again , ever since that song they did with Jarule! I thought that it was a rumor, but it turned out to be true, they fuckin suck!
I'm just ot going to respect anthrax again, ever since that song they did with public enemy! I thought it was just a rumor, but it turned out to be true, they fucking suck!

Damn the hypocrissy on this board is amazing.
Well, I'm against ripping off music from the net for one reason, the sound just sucks. Friends of mine have burned shit for me and the sound quality from those discs just plain suck. On the other hand, I do rip off music from the net and listen to them on tiny speakers. The songs I usually rip off are songs that you can't even buy because they're acoustic versions, live, b-side etc etc. Remember the days when we had to order import cd's from metal mags????
What is your problem G? If you don't like Anthrax, why are you here? Just go to hell, your just out to cause problems and I want it stopped NOW dammit! Your probably some 9 year old punk ass bitch getting a cheap thrill out of pissing us off. OK, you succeeded now leave us be! Justin, please delete this thread or this assclown. I appologize to you about starting this thread. I had no idea things would get out of hand like this. This lord g is leaving an unwanted taste in these boards.

Originally posted by LORD_GALVATRON
I'm just ot going to respect anthrax again, ever since that song they did with public enemy! I thought it was just a rumor, but it turned out to be true, they fucking suck!

Damn the hypocrissy on this board is amazing.
Originally posted by ThraxMan
What is your problem G? If you don't like Anthrax, why are you here? Just go to hell, your just out to cause problems and I want it stopped NOW dammit! Your probably some 9 year old punk ass bitch getting a cheap thrill out of pissing us off. OK, you succeeded now leave us be! Justin, please delete this thread or this assclown. I appologize to you about starting this thread. I had no idea things would get out of hand like this. This lord g is leaving an unwanted taste in these boards.

Last time I will do this, I will go slow so you can keep up.

I L I K E A N T H R A X. I AM HERE BECAUSE OF THAT. If you weren't so hard headed, you would be able to see that the post you quoted was done to point out how much of a hypocrite the other guy was for his jarule comment.

Just out of curiousity, are there any other 'thrax boards where some of the posters aren't mindless anthrax sheep?