Give Metallica Some Goddamn Respect!

Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS

That looks pretty anti-Anthrax to me (since you wanted it pointed out to you).
No, it's anti those albums. So according to you, someone has to like everything a band does to be a fan? I am glad I am not as sheeplike as some of you seem to be.
If you don't like something a band has done in the last 10 years, why would you come to their board? Do you think we all live in the past like you do? Do you think everyone who doesn't like Load or anything after is going to the Metallica board every day? No, we don't. A little common sense really wouldn't hurt you right about now.
Originally posted by Jono
then how am I able to sell a used cd. any used cd I want, none of the money goes to the band, and then I get money. so I'm making money off of it as well. At least with napster it's free. and your point about stealing someones car. that's not nearly the same thing. It's like compareing speeding to murder.
There's no way Napster was made just so people could give away Metallica songs. They never should have sued Napster. Their beef was with the fans. There's nothing wrong with just getting a few songs to preview an album before you waste your money on it. It was the users who downloaded every song off of every album. And the 5 second clips you can listen to on the net? first off they are shitty quality secondly, they usually use clips that aren't very good. I listened to clips of the Down CD and I was like, I dunno if I want this but everyone raved about it so I bought it. And I love it. If Napster was around I could listen to a couple songs and then go buy the cd.again FILE SHARING. It was the gluttonous users who ruined it.
You can sell a used cd the same way stores sell used cds. Once it has been sold the cd itself is your property. You can do anything you want to physically with it.
How is stealing different from stealing by the way?
Metallica's 'beef' was never with the fans, it was with napster for allowing the theft of their property.
I agree there is nothing wrong with downloading a few songs to sample a cd, the problem is most of the users downloaded entire albums and never purchased them.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
If you don't like something a band has done in the last 10 years, why would you come to their board? Do you think we all live in the past like you do? Do you think everyone who doesn't like Load or anything after is going to the Metallica board every day? No, we don't. A little common sense really wouldn't hurt you right about now.
I come to the board because I am a fan of the band. Apparently that is a hard concept for you to grasp. How am I living in the past? Because I like anthrax's older musc better? That is quite simply stupid. Yes alot of people who don't like load or anything after post on the met bb. You should look at your comment about common sense as it applies more to you than me.
Originally posted by LORD_GALVATRON
Opinion, you posting this was pointless. More people agree with me than you though.

I see, so one opinion is correct if more people agree with it, making the other wrong. It is an OPINION.

My opinion, which is worth just as much as yours or anyone else's but is not more or less correct, is that Metallica has not released a good album since the black album. (And Matter, I am not whining about it. I don't like their new stuff, I won't buy it anymore. I don't deny the incredible contribution that they made in the 80's, but it doesn't mean I have to like what they do now).

Galvatron, as for your other point...

True, but I have read enough of their posts to get a general idea of what they are like.

It was you that said that people shouldn't comment on Lars without knowing him. You only know people here from their posts. We only know Lars from hundreds of interviews, and nearly two decades of following his career. We have a lot more to go on than you do.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin

I see, so one opinion is correct if more people agree with it, making the other wrong. It is an OPINION.

My opinion, which is worth just as much as yours or anyone else's but is not more or less correct, is that Metallica has not released a good album since the black album. (And Matter, I am not whining about it. I don't like their new stuff, I won't buy it anymore. I don't deny the incredible contribution that they made in the 80's, but it doesn't mean I have to like what they do now).

Galvatron, as for your other point...

It was you that said that people shouldn't comment on Lars without knowing him. You only know people here from their posts. We only know Lars from hundreds of interviews, and nearly two decades of following his career. We have a lot more to go on than you do.
I never said my opinion was any mre correct than anyone else's. I just said more people agree with me.

Coming to the conclusion that some of the people who post here have have no lives is easier to come to that conclusion than or someone to come to the conclusion that lars is 'all about the money' becase lars has said many thigs t refute the 'greedy' conclusion. The fact that he hasn't gone after every other music theft site should tel you that.
Still, it's all a matter of opinion based on the facts that we have before us. I can call you a loser, as a matter of opinion based on the posts I've seen from you, and many people would agree with me. That doesn't necessarily make it a fact. (More of an educated guess :) )

"Having a life" or "not having a life" is a matter of opinion based on what we value in our lives, just as considering someone else to be "greedy" or "sheeplike" is. If someone thinks Lars is "greedy", that's their opinion. What's the skin off your back?
notice this:

-just ignore this stupid fucking troll LORD_GALVATRON
-metallica sucks and has since they stopped playing thrash
-they killed napster
-lars has a big fucking gaping hole for a mouth that dosent stop spewing
-james sounds like he wants to play country now, and has started looking like a redneck
-kirk hasent played anything cool since "and justice"
-niether has james
-lars is a shitty drummer
Originally posted by redeyes
notice this:

-just ignore this stupid fucking troll LORD_GALVATRON
-metallica sucks and has since they stopped playing thrash
-they killed napster
-lars has a big fucking gaping hole for a mouth that dosent stop spewing
-james sounds like he wants to play country now, and has started looking like a redneck
-kirk hasent played anything cool since "and justice"
-niether has james
-lars is a shitty drummer
-you say met sucks, fine your opinion, but thrax has sucked since they stopped playing thrash
-they didn't kill napster, napster illed napster.
-lars speaks his mind, more people shous
-so what, he can play what he wants, and attacking how somone looks is really patheic
- any of anthrax's lead players haven't played anything cool since p.o.t.
-neither has scott
-lars is a better drummer than you.
It's cool that you have your opinions. It is your right to have opinions.
But you don't have to insult everyone. Why do you do that?

P.S. I have reported several of your posts to the moderators in hopes of having you removed from this board because you come here and INSULT Anthrax and Anthrax fans. seems as if I have started a very controversial thread here. I had no idea it would get so much response.

If somebody fucking doesn't or does like a fucking album, leave it be and don't diss us. We all have different tastes in music. If you don't like an album, that is fine, but don't FUCKING diss us for liking that particular album! Get my drift?!

It would appear many of you are living in the past. Music changes with time and you can't expect a band to always put out the same stuff year after year. Besides, if you don't like something, nobody is forcing you to listen to it. It's your choice. So there, quit yer BITCHIN!!!!!