GMD Poll: Top 10 Metal Albums of 1995

I like Nightfall because it's ambitious but I think it fails. It has good songs, but I never want to listen to it.

And where in the holy hell did I ever say that Die Healing was bad?
Also, Crimsonfloyd has much weirder opinions. Like thinking Wolves in the Throne Room, Deafheaven, Leviathan and a million DSO releases belong in a top 100 black metal album list.

When I rank or grade albums, I listen to them as pure works of art, abstracted from factors such as influence, popularity, or underground backlash. As a result, I tend to have more unique perspectives than most people. I guess that's weird.

He also put Two Hunters above Storm of the Light's Bane which is amusing, to say the least. Not to mention putting Sunbather above Shining Swords of Hate, Live in Leipzig, Carpathian Wolves, In the Nightside Eclipse, Dol Guldur, etc.

SotLB is 8 while Two Hunters is 85.

Having Storm of the Light's Bane nearly a hundred places higher than The Somberlain is the biggest travesty concerning Dissection. Should have been the other way round. "Black Horizons" and the title track alone destroy the follow up.

Sacramentum and Dawn at their peak should be higher than any Dissection release anyway.

SotLB is massively superior to Somberlain. Somberlain has its moments where it peaks, but SotLB is at the peak from start to finish. It also has a purer and more complete vision.

Sacramentum and Dawn have never resonated with me. I'm sure I'll give them another shot when we do 96 and 98, but even if I have a paradigm shift, there's no way they're passing SotLB.
nightfall is pure fucking trash


@crimsonfloyd Honestly, for me, Sunbather has always been one of those albums that gained acclaim based entirely upon the circumstances surrounding it rather than its actual merits. You know, the constant bickering regarding what genre it is, the attempts of many critics to look cool by opposing the so-called "elitists" :rolleyes:, etc.
@crimsonfloyd Honestly, Sunbather has always been one of those albums that gained acclaim based entirely upon the circumstances surrounding it rather than its actual merits. You know, the constant bickering regarding what genre it is, the attempts of many critics to look cool by opposing the so-called "elitists" :rolleyes:, etc.

Did you not read my post? I ignore all that shit when I evaluate albums. I don't give a fuck about whether hipsters or writers from mainstream websites love the album. I'm not gonna pretend to think a record isn't great just because other people who are in "the wrong crowd" also love the album. That's stupid as fuck.

There's a certain balance of despair and hope in that record that I have experienced but never been able to put to words and have rarely heard put to music. Sunbather captures that sound. That's the cliffnotes version of why I hold it in such high esteem.
wainds, did you disqualify Coroner's S/T? It has an EP's worth of new songs, that's what I gave it first place for, not the compiled older ones.
Did you not read my post? I ignore all that shit when I evaluate albums. I don't give a fuck about whether hipsters or writers from mainstream websites love the album. I'm not gonna pretend to think a record isn't great just because other people who are in "the wrong crowd" also love the album. That's stupid as fuck.
I agree with you on that. That was just my own opinion regarding the album's overall acclaim, not your own personal opinion of it.

There's a certain balance of despair and hope in that record that I have experienced but never been able to put to words and have rarely heard put to music. Sunbather captures that sound. That's the cliffnotes version of why I hold it in such high esteem.
I wasn't really impressed with it back then and now, I still think it's rather orthodox both within a shoegaze context and a black metal context. Especially when other bands (Agalloch, for example) have done that kind of genre-mixing with better results.
I never listen to Nightfall because the one billion interludes completely kill the flow of that album. That said the title track is fucking transcendent and some of the other songs are good too.

Follow the Blind is the best BG by a wide margin.
I never listen to Nightfall because the one billion interludes completely kill the flow of that album. That said the title track is fucking transcendent and some of the other songs are good too.
I've always liked the interludes, honestly. :tickled:

Follow the Blind is the best BG by a wide margin.
It's in my top 5.

At the Edge of Time is my favorite tbh fam.
It's a bit underwhelming to me but it does have some awesome tracks.
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A Night at the Opera > Nightfall > Imaginations.

Imaginations could have been awsome, the title track, Bright Eyes, I'm Alice for example rules but songs like Born in a Mourning Hall and Another Holy War are among BGs worst.

I agree with @Vegard Pompey about Nightfall, too much nonsens on the album and songs that are annoying but also lots of epic stuff.

While I agree that the 1000 Hansi thing is annoying at first (I also hated it), when you get over it A Night At the Opera is just filled with awsome songs and And The There Was Silence rules fucking supreme.

Guess this is too much of a controversial opinion so I also say that Somewhere Far Beyond is still their peak. ;)