GMD Poll: Top 10 Metal Albums of 1995

I think missed the point of "Where Dead Angels Lie" if you think it is saccharine. It's purely sardonic, with the way it mixes these quaint, angelic melodies with these bleaker and eviler melodies to describe the murder of the divine. It's deliciously iconoclastic.
Pretty much sums up why I like that track.
Two of their best songs appear on their 1996 EP Sorgh Pa Svarte Vingar Fløgh

The best full length by them is Nær Solen Gar Niþer For Evogher.

Many of your points about SotLB simply don't ring true for me. Every song certainly doesn't stand out, it definitely has peaks and low points and isn't consistent. The Somberlain clicked with me far quicker due to its superior aesthetic and songwriting.

I'll check out those Dawn records.

As for SotLB, it looks like a difference in perspective (in which my perspective is right and yours is wrong :P)
8) Pierced From Within by Suffocation
It will bring you to your knees...


"MOAR SUFFOCATION PLEAZE! what the fuck is wrong with you guys?" - @TechnicalBarbarity

Chosen by:
The Ozzman (#1)
EspaDa (#2)
TechnicalBarbarity (#2)
-CyanideChrist- (#6)
zerostatic (#8)
crimsonfloyd (#10)
Sirjack (N/A)
=6) Vampires of Black Imperial Blood by Mutiilation
I'm one with the fog...


"...probably the best bm-album from France." - @Vilden

Chosen by:
Vilden (#1)
crimsonfloyd (#2)
Dazed and Brutal (#4)
EspaDa (#5)
Krow (#7)
Talos of Atmora (#7)
spikes77 (#7)
Phylactery (#9)

=6) Scarlet Evil Witching Black by Necromantia
Turn from the light and live for eternity...


"Listen to Necromantia's SEWB and then Dimmu's PEM. They're pretty similar aesthetically. The former has a more necrotic, buzzy production; it's still suffocated by manic drumming, features clean vocals(Spiritdance, and that interlude), swirling dramatic keyboards and guitar(okay, bass) pyrotechnics. The only difference is that PEM is more overproduced but lets the guitars breathe in between the blasting sections with more accent on harmony and dynamics. It is brought down by processed vocals, though, and some industrial segments, but that's a minor flaw as I see it." - @DarkBliss

Chosen by:
Mort Divine (#1)
Krow (#2)
Slayed Necros (#4)
Phylactery (#5)
Talos of Atmora (#6)
Dazed and Brutal (#6)
rms (#7)
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Reactions: crimsonfloyd
he used to constantly call people out for holding double standards, liking certain albums over others due to their reputation rather than any musical differences between them etc. i wouldn't be surprised if he used the phrase 'in crowd' at some point. he was a lot more emotional about it than you though ha
From my math Graveland beats it by as many as 11 points, depending on how I-TEND-TO-DIE's vote was weighed.
3) Bergtatt by Ulver
She saw the hall of shadows, so cold and ever-blue...


"I find Garm's clean vocals here to be very ethereal. I know Ulver get a lot of shit, but I've always enjoyed this album and Nattens Madrigal. I used to listen to this a lot on my drive to and from University which was full of winding country roads surrounded by trees." - @Phylactery

Chosen by:
Vilden (#2)
rms (#2)
spikes77 (#2)
Phylactery (#4)
TechnicalBarbarity (#5)
Serjeant Grumbles (#5)
Atomic Tide (#6)
crimsonfloyd (#6)
Dazed and Brutal (#7)
EspaDa (#8)
no country for old wainds (#8)
Talos of Atmora (#9)
thousand swords got 60 and symbolic 59.5. i-tend-to-die's vote was worth 5.5 for the record

i could start posting the points as well as rankings if it'll help avoid confusion.