GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1991

9) Clandestine by Entombed
Death's a solution to life's dead illusions!


"Hell no. Clandestine is trash, Left Hand Path, while overrated as fuck, has some great tracks (admittedly all aside from the title track were Nihilist tracks done better as Nihilist but still!)" - @Mort Divine

"Clandestine is seriously underrated around here, it blows everything else Entombed did out of the water, imo. I've never been able to sit through Left Hand Path from start to finish without getting bored by the monotony. Clandestine on the other hand keeps you on edge the entire time, with all the twists and turns in every song.

I also read an interview with Nicke where he talked about the charm of Clandestine being that, at a technical level, the band is playing just slightly above its abilities, resulting in some sort of extra 'soul' in the sound. I really agree that that's the case, and when you compare certain other more technically skilled bands' albums to it, they feel really sterile and unengaging. The same kind of wild energy can't really be created by instrumental wizards.
" - @Blind Guardian

"Agree 100% on this, Clandestine is my favorite Entombed album and I've never figured out why people think it is bad. It is full of hit songs imo." - @Vilden

"LHP is a friggin' classic but Clandestine kills too. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to get that in a fucking trade way back when. Your ears would probably bleed from the first damn riff. The only thing that sucks about it are the vocals (especially that extremely goofy I JUST WANNA DIIIIIIIIIIIE part)." - @V.V.V.V.V.

"l totally believe LHP to be one of the pinnacles of DM. It blows Clandestine out of the water for being the far more believable and brutal album of the 2. Show me those melodies on Clandestine. And Nicke singing against Lars-Petrov..." - @Sirjack

Chosen by:
-CyanideChrist- (#2)
alex76 (#4)
The Ozzman (#4)
Manic Ferocity (#6)
Satanstoenail (#6)
Bloopy (#6)
zerostatic (#8)
CF87 (#8)

8) Unquestionable Presence by Atheist
Don't you touch my precious ship! Be thankful that you witnessed it at all...


"I love Unquestionable Presence. I barely even listen to that style of music but that album is just sex." - @SentinelSlain

"Atheist is overrated.

There. I said it.
" - @The Ozzman

"Convinced that if this album were released today it would still be considered way ahead of it's time. is there a more perfect example of uber technical, yet pure unmasturbatory riff o rama? i think not. shit slays your life and your family" - @Yerfdaug

"Unquestionable Presence was probably one of the most important albums in my metal development but it hasn't held up as well as Elements for me. The riffs are actually the weakest part for me; the rest of the rhythm section is really spastic and busy, but there's too much ordinary thrash riffing on the album. The leads are very pretty but their sense of melody just seems so traditional compared to what Watchtower, Mekong Delta, Voivod, etc were doing years earlier. I kind of think of it more like very early Megadeth but in a death/thrash context, at its best it has that really loose and groovy feeling very rare in metal, but stuff like the title track or The Formative Years is just ordinary, rigid tech-metal." - @HamburgerBoy

"But that's what makes Unquestionable Presence great, you weirdo. The loose thrash riffing and mental rhythm section. It shouldn't really work at all, but the quality of the riffs and grooves is undeniable. The fact that they didn't go all out fusion is one of the reasons I can still listen to the album today and love it, whereas Cynic sound dated as hell. And the leads aren't pretty at all, there's lots of Mustaine-esque pentatonic flailing and random high notes. Look to Cynic for pretty leads." - @Satanstoenail

"Unquestionable Presence is a work of art, easily one of the best progressive/tech death metal albums ever made." - @Baroque

Chosen by:
TechnicalBarbarity (#1)
Baroque (#1)
Satanstoenail (#2)
EspaDa (#4)
Talos of Atmora (#5)
RadicalThrasher (#7)
Phylactery (#7)
Sirjack (#8)

Absolutely disgraceful that it's at number 8. This forum needs to have a good hard look at itself.

yeah, i dont think im gonna be contributing to these threads anymore. This shit is getting ridiculous.

edit: actually, forget the "i dont think" part. The fact that one of the greatest metal albums of all time came in at #8 here is it for me. I'm done. Rage quitting ftw!
Being included in the ten best albums of a specific year isn't really an insult to the one of the greatest metal albums of all time category though man.

I mean, it made the list didn't it?
First World Problems v.256: Complaining about an incredibly influential technical death/thrash album not being as high as you want it to be ON THE TOP TEN LIST.
First World Problems v.256: Complaining about an incredibly influential technical death/thrash album not being as high as you want it to be ON THE TOP TEN LIST.

First World Problems v.257 using an alt account because .. well im not going to put you on blast like that ;)

how about you stop posting under your alt and come out of the woodwork already sweetheart?
Africa should give up its phony gods and listen to Atheist. Only then will it emerge from the darkness and become enlightened. *tips*
First World Problems v.257 using alt account because .. well im not going to put you on blast like that ;)

how about you stop posting under your alt and come out of the woodwork already sweetheart?

I don't know why you think he's Omni, their tones are completely different.