GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1996

has non-canonical doom done that well in the mixtape games though? i mostly just recall stuff like vitus and rev biz owning. there's obviously something of an old-school bias on this forum, i'm just not sure there's as much of a specific genre bias as people make out.

death metal or thrash metal tunes have won 9 of the last 11 mixtape games for what that's worth (and the other two were venom which isn't exactly far off thrash either), maybe they're making a comeback?!

Doesn't seem like it. My Witchfinder General song didn't even score above a 5. That's clearly fucked.
I'm looking forward to the next year actually. Hope the next isn't another dud year

There are no dud years, only people with extremely limited taste in music, namely death metal and thrash metal circlejerkers who can only show up on years that those two genres cluster in.

None So Vile is the true winner in this shitty in-crowd influenced thread.

Cry more.
2) Will of the Gods is Great Power by Scald
Unknown mysteries of a distant world...


"Fuuuuuuck yeah. Fucking thunderstorm shit, fucking echoing clean vox, rotating guitar work. Admittedly there were some points where those vocals sounded like Trey Parker's mockery and then I was down the rabbit hole of imagining this entire band as south park characters, but I got over it after a few minutes, and the sparkly atmospheric droning behind the guitars really does paint the night sky vividly. 'The screeching breakdown' was wonderful, I love elevated elongated vocal work. Very dramatic and chill. SIMULTANEOUSLY. Good shit." @Carpe Mortem

"Scald - Night Sky - 4
homosexual obese buttsex cock and ball mouthstuffing.
" - @arg

"Will of Gods is a Great Power is probably the best album ever after Hammerheart. Great music, great vocals, great atmosphere, great great." - @Vilden

Chosen by:
Vilden (#1)
rms (#1)
Vegard Pompey (#1)
Master_Yoda77 (#2)
Slayed Necros (#3)
Mort Divine (#3)
no country for old wainds (#3)
Talos of Atmora (#4)
Anom@nder Rake (#5)
Serjeant Grumbles (#5)
Phylactery (#5)
Krow (#5)

1) Here In After by Immolation

This is a soul that doesn't need saving...


"Dawn of Possession is more of a melting pot of absolutely potent and disturbing blasphemies, whereas Here in After is more emotional, grandiose, and cohesive as a whole. They tie in the "best Immolation" contest so you should really just get both and neglect whatever insignificant thing it is you'll spend the extra money on.

I feel like Here in After, Failures for Gods, and Unholy Cult are inextricably linked conceptually, sort of like the three Order from Chaos albums are. I can't help but feel that the character in "Rival the Eminent" is the exact same soul that was abandoned by an imperfect God in "Away from God" and the being that foresaw the ironically demonic coming of Christ in "Once Ordained".

I really wish there were more bands like Immolation.
" - @Addo_Of_Nex

Chosen by:
TechnicalBarbarity (#2)
Slayed Necros (#2)
ClichéUserName (#2)
zerostatic (#2)
Atomic Tide (#2)
alex76 (#3)
Anom@nder Rake (#4)
EspaDa (#4)
EternalMetal (#4)
Phylactery (#4)

Sirjack (#4)
Master_Yoda77 (#4)
Mort Divine (#7)
crimsonfloyd (#7)
Bloopy (#9)
H.P. Lovecraft (n/a)

honestly HERE IN AFTER not being on mine is more down to me not being in a DM mood at all lately. probably deserves a spot in retrospect, but it didn't matter anyway.

only 11.5 separated the top 4 here, and 2-4 had only three points between them. immolation won without getting a single number 1 pick when the next three got 14 #1s between them.
.. what in the fuck? :lol: only you have the capability to take any conversation and just steer it towards some religious nonsense. Have you seen his wifes epic mullet?
Oh hey did you just take any conversation and just steer it towards my wife's hair again? Have you seen your epic fail?
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