Exactly here what conversation where me and you where havingexactly what conversation where me and you having?
6) Psychostasia by Adramalech
No soul could pass this three-headed dog...
"Adramelech -psychostasia for example is outlandish abstract and intricate with original riffs without being akward." @Death Delirium
"Slumber of Sullen Eyes is a lot more crushing but there's something about the riffs on Psychostasia that I just can't get over. It's brilliance." - @Manic Ferocity
Chosen by:
Anom@nder Rake (#1)
EternalMetal (#1)
Mort Divine (#2)
-CyanideChrist- (#2)
TechnicalBarbarity (#3)
zerostatic (#3)
ClichéUserName (#4)
Slayed Necros (#5)
Vilden (#7)
Talos of Atmora (#7)
Vegard Pompey (#9)
the implication being that tech barb used to have an epic nutsack but it died and he's now carrying ghosticles around in his pants
Immolation win it with no #1 votes
The shit you remember about what other people have posted in the past is astounding
I think the ghost testicle comment was towards CIG's Sixth Sense post which I'm still scratching my head about.
The shit you remember about what other people have posted in the past is astounding
I think the ghost testicle comment was towards CIG's Sixth Sense post which I'm still scratching my head about.
you're just mad cuz im never going to let you off the hook, little snitchy. Now go live your life.
you were saying lol