GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2000

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9) Winds of Creation by Decapitated
Thor's hammer will shed the fresh blood again...


"Decapitated's Winds of Creation is actually pretty solid despite it having god awful production.

Everything on it sounds incredibly plastic.
" - @Mort Divine

"Winds of Creation has "god awful" production?

I don't even.
" - @General Zaroff

"Winds of Creation > everything Incantation ever did." - @TechnicalBarbarity

"More like Decrapitated amirite?" - @zabu of nΩd

"I legitimately hate what Decapitated has become, and that's coming from someone who thinks Winds of Creation is a masterpiece." - @morguelord

"WoC is freaking sweet." - @divine_torture

Chosen by:
-CyanideChrist- (#1)
TechnicalBarbarity (#1)
zerostatic (#2)
Atomic Tide (#5)
The Ozzman (#6)

Well, I found it on Youtube. I'm currently listening to House of Wisdom. It's alright but compared to all the other stuff that came out this year, it's kind of underwhelming. Maybe it needs to grow on me a little more but I can't even see it beating some stuff that's even in my honorable mentions for this year like Dawn of Victory, Not Myself or Warp Zone which are far more distinctive albums.

It's an album experience, as with most epic metal bands.

I'm beginning to empathize with this viewpoint but for different reasons. Once we start getting into the 2000s and 2010s, seeing stuff like Quicksand Dream in the top ten (which is really just a decent yet very generic pastiche of Solstice, Cirith Ungol and Warlord) over some of the stuff that probably won't make it (Corum, Rhapsody of Fire, Fates Warning, Kamelot, etc.) is kind of ridiculous.
I really don't think those are more distinct. Aelin plays as a story and is better digested as a whole album. I didnt list it but it's really good and even without hearing it in a long time, I can hear it playing in my head right now.

@Talos of Atmora that's a rather harsh indictment for someone who only just heard them via a few songs on Youtube.

Completely agree with @Krow on this one.
Agree on Aelin being an album experience, I ranked it #2 and there isn't really a single song on it that stands out to me except The Lighthouse Dream, and that one's 16 minutes long.
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8) Brave New World by Iron Maiden
The shadow of the Wicker Man is rising up again...


"I agree that Brave New World is one of their best; top 5, at least. Great melodies and probably Bruce's best performance." - @crimsonfloyd

"Brave New World is probably Maiden's most complete album. Not to say some other older albums don't have better individual songs, but the filler in almost every album can be pretty bad. The "filler" in BNW is almost good enough to not be called filler." - @Dak

"about as much as you can ask from a reunion album, band is in top form, there is a little in common with the classic material but for the most part it stands out both in writing and sound as something new for them, it's unfortunate how overlong this is though but makes sense with some of these songs being Virtual XI leftovers" - @HamburgerBoy

"I don't see what's with all the love for Brave New World. It doesn't really hold a candle to A Matter of Life and Death, or even The X Factor." - @Vegard Pompey

"BNW is by far the best thing they've done since Somewhere In Time." - @waif

"brave new world was a boring pile of concert ruining crap." - @Lord Kur

Chosen by:
The Ozzman (#1)
Atomic Tide (#1)
Vilden (#3)
HamburgerBoy (#4)
EspaDa (#5)
Slammed (#7)
zabu of nΩd (#7)
crimsonfloyd (#10)

It didn't quite make my top ten but it's a good album regardless. I don't agree with Vegard when it comes to this album being worse than A Matter of Life and Death though.
7) Tolling 13 Knell by Mortuary Drape
Tolling of a bell in the dead of night, but there is nobody inside the church...


"I torn in whether I think All The Witches Dance or Tolling 13 Knell is the their best album." - @Dazed and Brutal (nice grammar here)

"I had heard great things about mortuary drape, but when I finally picked up one of their releases (something about Tolling 13 Knell), I was very disappointed. WAY too much keyboards, accoustic guitar and clean singing. Three things I cannot abide." - @radical elephant

"one of my favourite albums released in the 2000s." - @Phylactery

"I don't know about the comparison to Samael, but Tolling 13 Knell is a fucking classic album" - @unknown

"Tolling 13 Knell is fucking phenomenal." - @dwellerINTHEdark

Chosen by:
ClichéUserName (#1)
Phylactery (#2)
Anom@nder Rake (#2)
Slayed Necros (#3)
Krow (#4)
Omni (#5)
-CyanideChrist- (#8)
HamburgerBoy (#10)

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