GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2009

Black Future's problem is that half of the older songs on the album are rather plain thrash metal with just the Vektor aesthetic on top. You could easily cut Asteroid, Hunger for Violence, and Destroying the Cosmos, lose nothing, and gain a more efficient 50 minute album.
If that's a 4/5, the average Toxik or Wolf Spider song is a 5/5 and the average Mekong Delta song a 7/5.

It's just plain average.
A lot of Toxik songs are average and nothing they have done is better than Black Future, or even comes close imo. Mekong Delta area much better band than Toxik, but still imo none of their albums are better then Black Future. Some people always want to bring up the whole "retro' thing everytime they're mentioned. Modern or not, i have no problem with saying Black Future is one of the greatest technical thrash metal albums of all time.
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I quickly ran through my current library and came up with this:

1) Kult Ofenzivy - Radikální ateismus - tvůrcům nadčlověka
2) Arizmenda - Within the Vacuum of Infinity
3) Beherit - Engram
4) The Chasm - Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm
5) Impetuous Ritual - Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence

There are some albums on some of your lists that I would have to go through again to rank them though, and there would be more shit in my old library but w/e.

EDIT: Also, if demos were allowed, Departure of Shub-Niggurath would probably shake the list a little.

EDIT2: Oh fuck fucking Seven Chalices is from 2009. I have to put it before Engram, sorry Yoda.

1) Kult Ofenzivy - Radikální ateismus - tvůrcům nadčlověka
2) Arizmenda - Within the Vacuum of Infinity
3 Teitanblood - Seven Chalices
4) Beherit - Engram
5) The Chasm - Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm
6) Impetuous Ritual - Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence
It would be one of their best if it weren't for "Fiery Rebirth" and "The Promised Ravage" which don't feature completely engaging songwriting imo and are two of their least good tracks overall. Still a great album of course.

"The Mission/Arrival to Hopeless Shores" gets my vote for the best song of 2009. An emotional tour de force.
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I remember taking a day sometime in 09 after Abysm came out, and listening to the band for a couple of hours. Just never synced with it. My tastes have shifted around in the last eight years, but based on what I remember, the style of DM The Chasm plays isn't something I grew closer too.
There's too much music this year. I assembled a Spotify playlist of albums I have not, or only barely, listened to that pique my interest, and it's >13 hours long. That's in addition to all the stuff I already heard.

Also, I'm surprised that I haven't yet seen so much as an honourable mention for The Ruins of Beverast.
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