GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2009

... agreed with a few parts, disagreed with others. And then this .....


If he had someone telling him "Hey, you've already played that riff 30 times, how about something else" it could have resulted in his 90s output not being incredibly monotonous. I don't think he was unable to play more interesting music, he was just too dull to try.
Agreed tbh, the Voivod elements are sparse at best

yeah, i think their band name/logo confuses some people.


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Still working on my list, in the meantime I just gotta ask, how the hell is this not making any lists? I must really not understand black metal.


(Absu - Absu)
I don't know about 'that good' but it's more interesting to me than the Beherit/Arckanum releases. I also haven't heard Tara so I can't compare, but I'm very excited to hear Tara now since most people seem to think it's better.
I can understand you not liking Beherit, definitely not for everyone. But the Arckanum? It's really accessible and filled with triumphant/epic riffs.

Did you listen to The Voice of Steel yet?
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Would anyone be interested in participating in threads like 'GMD's Top 10 thrash guitarists of all time' or is that too autistic?

The format would be similar to the current ones
Would anyone be interested in participating in threads like 'GMD's Top 10 thrash guitarists of all time' or is that too autistic?

The format would be similar to the current ones

sounds good

i'm surprised by the kinds of things people consider autistic. having read through some high level math texts, it'd have to be a pretty rare music list to be called autistic by me. Even HBB's lists submitted as work in a math class would be like "A+, well organized, concise, clear"

I guess it could be considered weird to take one's entertainment that seriously, but you have people like that in any hobby who have to be the #1 most knowledgeable in that hobby. Pick anything, like prospecting or folding paper airplanes and you'll find these people.
Still working on my list, in the meantime I just gotta ask, how the hell is this not making any lists? I must really not understand black metal.


(Absu - Absu)

I haven't heard that one in a long fucking time, but it really pales in comparison to their previous work. A good album, but tries way too hard to be Tara and ends up coming off as Tara-lite.
i never thought TARA was one of absu's stronger albums tbh but i should revisit basically all of them. i really liked their 2011 album and that actually has my highest RYM friends rating surprisingly. i'm not sure i know of another old school band whose 21st century album rates highest with those dweebs.
I recently got the 2017 reissue of The Third Storm of Cythraul and was extremely disappointed. Osmose official reissue, but they decided to cut all the intros/instrumentals/outro from the album. I need to check my copy of Tara and see if it's the same way.
Tara is good, but it's just too much all the time. Like Proscriptor, we know you have amazing drum skills but there's no need for crazy fills all the time. The guitars are similarly hyperactive with lightning fast riffing that rarely lets up. The songs always feel like they're about to devolve into pure chaos. I guess it's to their credit that they rarely do.

We need more lists! Even I got mine done days ago.