GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2017

I might have my order from SKR in time to get to that stuff before the deadline. Not that I think Condenados will break into my top but it did seem like a big improvement over their debut.
Okay, so I talked with Hells Headbangers regarding the Communion releases. The official release date is actually January 26th, 2018. They said that they sometimes make copies available early and ship them out, but it won't be on Bandcamp properly until the actual release date.

I guess that they're actually 2018 releases. Fucking bizarre since I already have mine. :lol:
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Reactions: Slayed Necros
Final list:

1. Wrathprayer / Force of Darkness - Wrath of Darkness
2. Beastiality - Worshippers of Unearthly Perversions
3. Ultra Silvam - Ultra Silvam
4. Cult of Eibon - Lycan Twilight Sorcery
5. Wampyrinacht - We Will Be Watching (Le Cultes De Satan Et Les Mysteres De La Mort)
6. Horns & Hooves - Morbid Lust
7. Hades Archer - Temple of the Impure
8. Azaxul - The Saints Impaled
9. Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignity
10. Resurgency - No Worlds... Nor Gods Beyond
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k this album rules. spin it bitches

I listened to Kelle surut soi the other day. The simplistic album art is quite nice, but it seems like a fairly standard pagan black metal outing. I'm sure that there are people here who would love it though.
1. Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland
2. Wampyrinacht - We Will Be Watching (Le Cultes De Satan Et Les Mysteres De La Mort)
3. Satan's Hallow - Satan's Hallow
4. Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignity
5. Chevalier - A Call to Arms
6. Horns & Hooves - Morbid Lust
7. Mausoleum Gate - Into a Dark Divinity
8. Resurgency - No Words... Nor Gods Beyond
9. Cult of Eibon - Lycan Twilight Sorcery
10. Haunt - Luminous Eyes

Almost made it:

Krolok - Flying Above Ancient Ruins
Wrathprayer/Force of Darkness - Wrath of Darkness

This is preliminary and may change within the next couple of days.
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Reactions: CiG and Atomic Tide
Finalized List:

1. Bestial Invasion - Contra Omnes
2. Droid - Terrestrial Mutations
3. Akercocke - Renaissance in Extremis
4. Crimson Dawn - Chronicles of an Undead Hunter
5. Gorod - Kiss the Freak
6. Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland
7. Vulture - The Guillotine
8. Wampyrinacht - We Will Be Watching. Les Cultes de Satan et les Mystères de la Mort
9. Lunar Shadow - Far from Light
10. Obituary - s/t

Honorable Mentions:

Condor -
Unstoppable Power
Lör - In Forgotten Sleep
Cult of Eibon - Lycan Twilight Sorcery
Hellripper - Coagulating Darkness
Nokturnal Mortum - Verity
Ne Obliviscaris - Urn
Warbringer - Woe to the Vanquished
Mausoleum Gate - Into a Dark Divinity
Elder - Reflections of a Floating World

I'm actually impressed by how much Nightmare Logic has deteriorated for me since release.
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Reactions: Omni and CiG
You're doing it wrong. Since you're supposedly my alt, you should just directly copy my list. Too many of the albums are missing from this post.
You're doing it wrong. Since you're supposedly my alt, you should just directly copy my list. Too many of the albums are missing from this post.
Speaking of which, why isn't Vulture on your list? Or Crimson Dawn, for that matter?