GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2017

1 Krolok - Flying Above Ancient Ruins
2 Necrot - Blood Offerings
3 Satan's Hallow - s/t
4 Urn - The Burning
5 Weregoat - Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication
6 Perverted Ceremony - Sabbat of Behezael
7 Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignity
8 Cannibal Corpse - Red Before Black
9 Vampire - With Primeval Force
10 Immolation - Atonement


Obituary - s/t
Power Trip - Nightmare Logic
Venenum - Trance of Death
The Ruins of Beverast - Exuvia
Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatanland
Artificial Brain - Infrared Horizon
Dying Fetus - Wrong One To Fuck With
Vulture - The Guillotine
Cult of Eibon - Lycan Twilight Sorcery
Accept - The Rise of Chaos
Dumal - The Lesser God
Possession - Exorkizein
Midnight - Sweet Death and Ecstasy
Deep Purple - Infinite
Sarkrista - Summoners of the Serpents Wrath
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1. Wolves in the Throne Room- Thrice Woven
2. Ne Obliviscaris- Urn
3. Nokturnal Mortum- Verity
4. Tchornobog- S/T
5. Galneryus- The Ultimate Sacrifice
6. Dying Fetus- The Wrong One to Fuck With
7. Artificial Brain- Infrared Horizon
8. Aosoth- V: Inside the Scriptures
9. Immolation- Atonement
10. Dodecaedron- Kwintessens

Honorable Mentions:
Enslaved- E
Decrepit Birth- Axis Mundi
Laster- Ons vrije fatum
Pillorian- Obsidian Arc
1. Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland: This album just rules so much. Love the style.

2. Sanhedrin - A Funeral for the World: Amazing vocals, amazing riffs. Really solid debut.

3. Almyrkvi - Umbra : This is just amazing. If you like Blut aus Nord, you should totally check this out.

4. Chevalier - Call to Arms: Love this. I've seen this on most people's list so it doesn't need much introduction here.

5. Pagan Altar - The Room of Shadows: i bought this and really glad I did.

6. Venenum - Trance of Death: I see this is on most people's list. It's a really great album with some extremely catchy and interesting parts.

7. Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignity: Omni recommended this to me, though I've seen it mentioned a few times around the internet as well. I really really enjoy this album.

8. The Chasm- A Conscience Creation from the Isolated Domain: Again, I like The Chasm best when they are instrumental. This album really impressed me. I'm surprise it didn't make many peoples list.

9. SEID- Darkness Shall Fall: I found this pretty late in the year, however, I found it when it started getting really cold here in NYC. And seriously, there's nothing like black metal in the winter.

10. Suffering Hour - In Passing Ascension

Honorable Mentions:

Vermin Rift - Lord Temujin. This is a demo but I really really enjoy it. Norwegian heavy metal.

Wapentake - Murmurations Also, if you're anything like me I love when black metal gets quiet and does an instrumental break in what I can define as an "Ulver-style" series riffs with no distortion, just acoustic guitar in like a pagan/folk black metal style. This album is all acoustic and has no vocals. I'm not great at explaining. However, I've listened to this a lot on bandcamp and I'm really sad the album sold out, I dont just want the recording of it. Its really beautiful. Probably not even considered metal really, however, it is definitely Ulver influenced.

There's quite a bit I haven't heard, judging by some of the lists I've seen here. So much listening, so little time.

Edit: just fixed the spacing and added numbers for ranking. I’m a little tipsy. Snow storm on the way so no work tomorrow! I’m taking advantage, and drinking a little more than I need to.
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I put it on my list and I'm normally not much for death metal if that means anything. This just happened to be a pretty great year for unique DM like The Chasm, Venenum, Tchornobog, and Desolate Shrine.
So I decided to order these.

1. Acid Witch - Evil Sound Screamers
Fuck this is awesome. A perfect blend of horror synth and razorback death doom, two things I love unconditionally. I gave this album first place because I'm realistically going to listen to it more than all the rest on the list, almost combined

2. Pagan Altar - The Room of Shadows
It's PA. It's fantastic. It makes me sad.

3. Perverted Ceremony - Sabbat of Behezael
Really fucking ugly and fun stuff.

4. Nokturnal Mortum - Істина
Really solid effort from NM.

5. Urn - The Burning
My favorite black thrash album this year.

6. Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland
Suppose I dont need to say much about this one at this point.

7. Forsaken - Pentateuch
I've been waiting for this one for a long time and it 100% delivered for me

8. Black Magick SS - Kaleidoscope Dreams
I'm aware this might not be the most metal release in the world. I love the whole occult rock thing and these guys at least take it to a place no one else has. The song Tåget also has some really fucking dark lyrics from what I can make out. Hair standing up stuff.

9. Weregoat - Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication
Ugly album.

10. Ungfell - Tôtbringære
Lo-fi folky black metal released on cassette only.
5. Urn - The Burning
My favorite black thrash album this year.

Yeah, most definitely the best in that area from 2017.
Is it just me or was 2017 kind of lacking for black/thrash? Condor's Unstoppable Power was a very close second but after that there's a huge quality chasm with the rest.
Yeah, most definitely the best in that area from 2017.
Is it just me or was 2017 kind of lacking for black/thrash? Condor's Unstoppable Power was a very close second but after that there's a huge quality chasm with the rest.
Damn, sound like i need to check that album out, along with that new Vampire release. This is why i think we should have waited a little before doing one for this year.

edit: and tbh i wouldn't consider two solid releases(taking you guys' word for it) to be a weak year for blackened thrash. Its not like we've had years where they pumped out 5-6 solid releases.
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Have you considered that Krow is our resident trendsetter? He IS the incrowd.
Lol, far from it. But i do have to give him a little bit of credit for not blindly following everyone else here. He just has that "i dont like x band so all of their songs or albums must suck" or "oh that album cover isn't illustrated by an autistic 8 year old, so the music must suck" kind of mentality. Which is def not cool in my book. But i'm used to him by now, so whatevs ... i hear Ole Raspy calling for me.