GMD Poll: Top Ten Films of 2019

1. Bacurau (Kleber Mendonça Filho & Juliano Dornelles)

2. Portrait of a Lady On Fire (Céline Sciamma)

3. Dragged Across Concrete (S. Craig Zahler)

4. Joker (Todd Phillips)

5. Uncut Gems (Joshua & Ben Safdie)

6. Her Smell (Alex Ross Perry)

7. The Lighthouse (Robert Eggers)

8. Parasite (Bong Joon-ho)

9. Bait (Mark Jenkin)

10. Bliss (Joe Begos)
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It's a trashy low budget horror that feels at times like it could exist in the same world as Only Lovers Left Alive, but by way of Driller Killer or something. Drugs, sex, art, splatter, practical SFX, amateur actors with Korine-esque dialogue at times. Electric Wizard song in the soundtrack.

Hit me from leftfield tbh but I highly recommend it.

Anybody who liked the concept of The Night Comes for Us (splatter martial arts) but thought the shaky cam action scenes were annoying as fuck (like me) should check out Avengement. Definitely Scott Adkins' best movie so far, a completely apeshit 98% practical effects splatter martial arts prison film with no gay fucking autistic shaking bullshit, insanely violent fights and tough British banter galore.

Kicking myself I didn't act on recommendations ages ago, mostly because I'd seen a few of his films and they were always massively flawed in some way so I just threw it on the backburner. Had to shove it into my 2019 list somewhere. So many familiar faces in this one too, if you've seen a lot of British gang films.

I think @RadicalThrasher and @TechnicalBarbarity would really get a kick out of this one, and it's on Netflix if anybody has that. I literally only put it on to watch the first 5 minutes or so and see how it feels, not really expecting much, and ended up watching the whole thing. Love shit like this.
Don't recall, but it was bandied about a lot in some Facebook groups I'm in, mostly by old school guys that love action movies.
My list would be Ford v Ferrari and that's it. :D I've seen High Life but I don't keep up with new films so I might as well stick with IMDb dates and call that 2018. The only other one I've seen is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and I didn't like it enough to list it.
Had a lot on my mind lately. Job security is shaky at best. Just found out the wife is pregnant. Our family doctor suggested my wife not leaving the house basically at all unless necessary because of a combination of the coronavirus scare (and the flu) and a heart defect she has. Been.... not a great start to the year to say the least. That being said I've had a bunch of time to watch movies. I'm excluding Color Out of Space because it was only a film fest movie in 2019.

Here goes, sitting here sipping on some Highland Park 12 yr Viking Honour.

No GIFs this time. I tried to look for some but I guess because these are recent movies good ones dont really exist yet. blah.

1. Joker
2. The Lighthouse
3. Midsommar
4. Brightburn
5. Godzilla: King of the Monsters
6. Doctor Sleep
7. Shazam
8. Little Monsters
9. John Wick: Parabellum
10. Stuber

Happy Death Day 2U

Worst Taste Award: The Haunting of Sharon Tate
There are a bunch of movies I need to see and I can't find the time to do it. I'm currently recording drums for a black metal band and I'm also preparing 2 other albums for release.