GMD Vote: Next Band Discographies to Rank

Let me know. Maybe that's why the price decreased significantly. The first track and a half skipped but it wasn't unplayable and everything was fine after that. I couldn't even use Windows Media Player to rip it. I had to download a different program to rip it.

Listened to my copy in the car this morning on the way to work. Played fine. Did your disc come dislodged from the digipak in transit? Maybe something too heavy was sat on it during shipping?
Listened to my copy in the car this morning on the way to work. Played fine. Did your disc come dislodged from the digipak in transit? Maybe something too heavy was sat on it during shipping?

It's possible. It didn't appear to be dislodged from packaging but maybe this is the one in a million fluke where I get a new, broken CD. This is probably a rare occurrence. It doesn't bother me enough to return it although I probably should. If the entire disc skipped or the skipping on those tracks was worse, I would. It is playable but annoying. It's either an Amazon gift card or they refund the amount to my credit card. I would rather just have another copy of the CD sent to me as an exchange *shrug*. I suppose I could just use the credit to buy another copy but that's no fun.
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