Goatsblood - Drull

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002


Willowtip 2003

By Nathan Pearce


Willowtip Records seems intent to catch up with the extreme music scene as fast a possible. Recently signed Goatsblood is only going to further the process. Combining sheer brutality and sludge, similar to Eyehategod butt-raping Napalm Death, with cleverly crafted, but still sick as hell, passages similar to Mastodon’s red-headed stepchild, Goatsblood comes off as another extremely sick genre-defying band on the Willowtip label.

While slowed down doom/sludge similar to early Melvins creates the setting for the majority of the songs, the occasional grinding and blasting passage tends to keep this band fresh enough to be something more than just sludge/doom. Songs go from the crustiest Napalm sounds to the occasional southern tinged guitar melodies. Somehow it all fits together . . . like a demented lunatic that hides out in the woods eating squirrels and berries. That demented guy seems to fit in perfectly with his surroundings. He might be human on the outside, but something inside keeps him from living with the rest of the world. His solitude can only be found in the wild.

While the part about the demented forrest guy might not make much sense, make no mistake about it. Goatsblood is a band very much on the cusp of everything extreme. Crust . . . doom . . . sludge . . . thrash . . . it’s all good. Goatsblood is not afraid to attack the listener with every possible form of extreme music they can muster. They are sick, sick, sick. And by sick, I mean good.


If you don't like fucked up music, stay away. If you do, get this immediately, as it rules.