God and the universe and stuff

What if Earth is like a big version of The Village, and the people who knew WHERE we came from (ie, Mars/wherever) are dead, so nobody's worked it out yet?


BTW, Kemmy, Bryson's '... History...' book RULES don't it?:D
salty said:
There are some pretty cool theories about life on earth and/or some civilisations springing from close neighbours from other planets. Mostly in regard to Sirius and planets out that way. Pretty interesting stuff. Talking about the pyramids, atlantis etc...

One of them goes along the lines of...ancient civilisation living in atlantis...close contact with people from Sirius...people from Sirius foresaw the destruction of Atlantis/the advanced civilisation...so they sent out 5 of their best minds into the world to allow their kind to survive in some capacity. Enter these 5 advanced dudes to Egypt where they turned a simple farming society into a massive advanced hierachical society (classic ancient egypt stuff) in a short period of time...the people saw their technology and knowledge as being divine...here's the first 5 gods of egypt. Pharaoh's (which the word means something like "son of gods" or some such) become the rulers...possibly decended from the original 5 "gods" who come to the area. There are apparently tellings of strange folk who come from "a different stock" to the local egyptians who looked quite weird who come from the west early on. Anyway...seen paintings and sculptures of Akhenaten? He was one wierd looking dude...ancient genes coming out? There have been tons of depictions of people with elongated heads and arms and shit...and even foetus' found with the same sorts of wierd features.

I love freaky theories like that :rock:

Sure, not really about the beginning of all this crap around us, but pretty interesting none the less.

How did the universe begin? Easy...the great cosmic anus did a fart...but accidently sprayed some shit at the same time.
I like those theories too actually, but they are all shit, why would they visit us back then and not now? Aside from the Pyramids, I dont see any spaceships or shit in Egypt, and the Pyramids could have been built by a shitload of people, nothing more.

Plus all the measurements/relations to the stars could have been worked out by someone. Just because it was 5000 years ago doesnt mean people couldnt add up back then, everyone seems to assume they were all stupid and needed help, perhaps they just made a right angle triangle out of wood and worked it out. Stranger things have happened :)
I believe there's a higher power responsible for lighting the spark which led to the creation of the universe. I just can't equate that power with the "God" figures of any religion or human belief system.

Any mythology created by humankind over the millennia is just an attempt to find meaning and reason where none exists. By its very nature the universe is a random and chaotic place. We as an "advanced" species felt a need to impose some structure on it, and we wanted someone to blame when it all went wrong :).

And even though I think Sprucey was quoting Dream Theater above, I'd like to add that I'm not afraid of dying either. I think it'll be a blessed relief when my time comes, a chance to stretch out and get some solid rest.

If there is an afterlife of any kind I'll be most annoyed. I've spent my earthly life keeping people at arm's length and I don't want to have go through it all again for the rest of eternity :).

Yeah. Heaven, Hell. Dunno if its real or not. Won't know till I die. Noone will. My instinct tells me that once you die, that's it. No pearly gates, no lakes of fire, no lazing on cloud street, no good times with cheap wine and expensive hookers.
My own beliefs not withstanding, I'm pretty confident Hell doesn't exist because as a concept it's only been around for the last 800 years or so, and our current concept of the devil isn't even that old. Before that Hell was only vague idea, and the Devil was a totally different character all together.
Surely you arent saying the Church has concocted stories for their own ends phloggy?
As is often the case, I think Tom Waits said it best:

What does it matter, a dream of love
Or a dream of lies
We're all gonna be in the same place
When we die
Your spirit don't leave knowing
Your face or your name
And the wind through your bones
Is all that remains
And we're all gonna be
We're all gonna be
Just dirt in the ground
Blitzkrieg said:
I'm sure "hell" as we have seen it depicted doesn't exist, but I think there lies a different end for those who don't deserve what the rest of us get.
How so? Where does, say, Gene Simmons go as opposed to me for instance? :)
Then we've fucked it up good and proper, haven't we?

On a related topic, I've often wondered if humans were meant (by what or whom I don't know) to make all the discoveries and "progress" that we have over the course of civilisation. I think we'd all be happier living in caves and making the most of what nature provides for us.