God and the universe and stuff

Wrathchild said:
Then we've fucked it up good and proper, haven't we?

On a related topic, I've often wondered if humans were meant (by what or whom I don't know) to make all the discoveries and "progress" that we have over the course of civilisation. I think we'd all be happier living in caves and making the most of what nature provides for us.


Would there be internet access?
Blitzkrieg said:
I didn't say he will go to a different place, I said he will meet a different end. By that, I don't really know *what* kind of different end, but I'm sure Mother Teresa and Hitler didn't meet the same end when they died.
Well, we would want to hope that is the case...
The idea that "evil" people suffer a different fate to "good" people once our spirits pass beyond the mortal coil is one of the cornerstones of religious belief. Justice doesn't always come to us in our lifetime, so we perpetuate the belief that it must come in some divine form after death. The "good" go to a paradise and the "evil" to a place of punishment. Those who believe in any form of religion or spirituality find a kind of comfort from this. Those of us who don't however, believe that life is all you get and at the end, there's no rewards or punishment. Just death. So you can be as evil or as good as you like, in the end, for you, it doesn't really matter what you do.
I can just see Death hanging around your house, feet up on the coffee table, looking at his watch, wondering when you will get back from the shops...

"Who is it darling?"

"A Mister Death it seems!"

"Well don't leave him standing there outside, ask him in."
According to google, death might look a little something like this:

we can and have created matter and antimatter thats what particle accelerators are for. The big bang theory came from the fact that there is so much radiation such as xrays which is created when matter and antimatter collide the only problem with the big bang theory is that as soon as it happend everything should end because the matter and antimatter should have canceled eachother out but being that time isnt like a wheel but is a multiverse then some matter and antimatter could have crossed at the begining of time and created alternate dimension's punctuation was made by stupid man so fuck it