God damn! I spend too much money on cds.

V.V.V.V.V. said:
Greys, you're pretty fucking retarded sometimes, considering I also met my girlfriend over the Internet (also, I'll have you know both of our parents know and I stay over her house plenty, and she lives two states away).

Anyway, back on topic...

I was being sarcastic. I don't want to get off topic or discuss it anymore further.

(Regardless the internet is not real).
Spectacular Views said:
hahahahahaha dude you cant call her your girlfriend until youve met her in real life at least

But I do ... I've known her for two years, so it isn't like some random thing with some random xXsexiichicaxX.
If you want to know or meet someone you do things with them in real life. I thought everyone knew that.

You actually have to open your front door and leave. Sometimes it's scary but you overcome fear if you put your mind too it!.
The Greys and Ex-cally-boo or whoever the heck that is had me laughing so hard this thread thanks guys. :)
I will be seeing her in the real world, just the 2000 miles of fucking distance makes it neigh impossible to be with her in the "real world" on a daily basis.
Int said:
The Greys and Ex-cally-boo or whoever the heck that is had me laughing so hard this thread thanks guys. :)

Yeah, it is Ex-cally-boo :)

and as I said to Carcassian:

:kickass: I aim to please
Give us some links for cheap cd's within australia so i don't have to spend half the money on bloody shipping. I use ebay but it is gay right now, i can't find elvenfris anywhere dammit :@
I guess the 2000's is the internet culture period in time and people think they have friends and form lives behind a moniter so that's consider 'normal' to send people money. I'm wrong. I'm going to try to get with the program now.
We're all humans here Greys. You have this weird idea that we're just constructs of the computer's imagination. We're not. We're people. Real people!. =O
Tradionalism is bad.

We should all sit around the cyber table one time and pass butter around on the internet and be family. i'm sorry
The Greys said:
I guess the 2000's is the internet culture period in time and people think they have friends and form lives behind a moniter so that's consider 'normal' to send people money. I'm wrong. I'm going to try to get with the program now.

People do have friends online, I have a group of friends who I'm going to Wacken 2008 with (hopefully) for instance.

Just because you do not meet a person in "real life" does not mean that you can not form a connection, be it social, emotional, or otherwise. I myself know two people that got married after meeting on an internet forum much like this one.
The Greys said:
I guess the 2000's is the internet culture period in time and people think they have friends and form lives behind a moniter so that's consider 'normal' to send people money. I'm wrong. I'm going to try to get with the program now.

You seem to be implying throughout the thread that by meeting someone in person it somehow makes them real and genuine, even if you know nothing or little about them. I know more about certain people through the internet than I do others I've met in real life, and vice versa obviously. I don't think I even understand your point. Insincerity isn't limited to the internet.
My local record store has good prices on cd's compared to most other places. I usually buy 2 albums every two weeks or so, but I don't have a job and I make money doing odd jobs and helping my father's pipe organ business on occasion.
for the record i DO have the fucking money i just haven't had time in my schedule to go to the bank


fucking idiots