God damned Dream Theater

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
I TRY and I TRY to like these guys! But it's JUST SO HARD!!!

I hear about DT everywhere, I hear some songs and they're good. I buy an album....it's okay. The good songs are great, but there's just so many DT-type slow style songs that I don't care for(i'm talking about Six Degrees... BTW).

So I buy Metropilos 2. It's less than okay. Not the biggest fan. Again, I think there are too many damn slow-type songs. I want some fucking rocking hard good metal shit, and it's there, just not alot of it.

So I buy what I have been told is on of their best: Awake. It's pretty good. Surprising in it's goodness really(probably due my disappointment with Metropolis 2). Again, lots of slow-ish songs that i'm no fan of, and the heavy songs are good, they just aren't all that great.

-I find that whenever I throw in Six Degrees I always just listen to Glass Prison, The Great Debate(btw, which are 2 of the greatest and well put together songs I have ever heard...seriously), Overture(coolness), War Inside my Head, and the Test That Stumped Them All. That's only 5 songs on a 2 CD album that has 13.
-Whenever I put in Awake I go right to Lie and maybe a few others. :mad:
-Whenever I put in Metropolis 2 I always put on Fatal Tragedy.


But who knows, maybe i'm wrong and there are or I haven't heard them or haven't given the CD's enough listening time.

Another thing about DT that I don't like is such unnecessary grandure. All the CD's with parts and scenes and it all seems like a whole crock of elitism on a their part to make themselves feel important.

I did however buy Stratovarius- Infinite and Dimension Zero- Silent Night Fever and they are VERY SEXY indeed!

Any thoughts on my comments? Any suggestions? Any disagreements? Post them NOW NOW NOW!
DT are a diverse band. i believe "progressive" is the term. you won't find too many of their songs that are alike.

and hell, some of their "slow" songs are my favorites! (ex: another day, surrounded, the silent man, space-dye vest, etc)

why TRY to like a band? just accept that some people like them and you don't share the appeal. do you know how sick i would get if i TRIED to like a band i wasn't very fond of in particular? the results would be sick.
Hey, just listen to Nuclear Blast or something like that if speed and heaviness are all you're after. DT just is not that kind of band.

But I do understand what you mean, because I'm partial to their faster material too. Many of the ballad songs are, frankly, boring.

You might want to check out DT's second album Images & Words, because I think it's their best album and has mostly fast songs (only 2 slow ones, and the other is only a few minute prelude type of song).
I like Images And Words. Ecstatic Youth, I'm with you also. I don't like all of Dream Theater's stuff ( especially the slow-type songs), but the stuff that rocks, ROCKS. If your interested in the more "progressive" fast paced stuff, get ONCE IN A LIVE TIME. It's a live album and I think it has some of DT's better songs on it and thats why I got the C.D. Sometimes, I don't like James LaBrie's voice. I mean he is talented, as is the rest of the band, but I don't think his voice suits certain songs. Mike Portnoy, John Petrucci, John Myung, and Jordan Rhudes are all phenomenal musicians and I respect them. But sometimes I don't like certain songs, especially the slo ones.
I'm with ecstatic on this. Their good songs RULE, but thier other songs just plain suck.

The good stuff is: Home, Fatal Tragedy, The Mirror, The Test That Stumped Them All, etc...

and the rest plain blow.

Give me SYMPHONY X anyday instead :D
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
I TRY and I TRY to like these guys! But it's JUST SO HARD!!!
But who knows, maybe i'm wrong and there are or I haven't heard them or haven't given the CD's enough listening time.

I know how you feel man!! I have the same with Opeth and Pain Of Salvation.

A word of advice, don't worry about it. If you don't like it, that's it, fuck them :D

BTW, Dream Theater is one of my favorite bands... :lol:
Stuff like Space Dye Vest took a while to grow on me, as did some of the slower songs as well. Some of them I still skip (read: most), but some I've really come to like :) , and the kick arse stuff is well, kick arse!
I'm with Hawk, I don't get the appeal of Opeth and PoS. Maybe someday I'll hear it in the right mood and I'll be blown away, but until then I've got plenty of other bands to keep my ears busy.

As for DT, I rather enjoy them, but I wouldn't consider them my favorite band or anything. 6DOIT is my fave for this year, though, at least until the Power of Omens comes out (don't worry Trapped, the singer has improved).

And I can't believe you like Stratovarius, what a horribly repetitive band. Their last 6 albums are hardly distinguishable, they might as well all have come from the same recording session.
Personally, I can't stand Dream Theatre, as they've taken all the fun out of listening to music. The songs are long, without purpose, and have simply become a means of showcasing each individual band member's obvious stellar skills. They might as well be advanced instructional tapes at this point. Their earlier stuff at least had identity and songs you could *holy crap* sing along to and enjoy.

I respect their talents, but as a band, blech. I feel the same way about Pain Of Salvation as well, so...

In fact, Vanden Plas is really the only true prog metal band I think I really enjoy. Opeth I don't consider prog metal because there's so much going on with them. And they fucking own, so it's not even a topic for consideration.

Lastly, @JBH: Agreed. Stratovarious is the 2nd most overrated band on the planet, right behind Dream Theatre.
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
I TRY and I TRY to like these guys! But it's JUST SO HARD!!!

I hear about DT everywhere, I hear some songs and they're good. I buy an album....it's okay. The good songs are great, but there's just so many DT-type slow style songs that I don't care for(i'm talking about Six Degrees... BTW).

So I buy Metropilos 2. It's less than okay. Not the biggest fan. Again, I think there are too many damn slow-type songs. I want some fucking rocking hard good metal shit, and it's there, just not alot of it.

So I buy what I have been told is on of their best: Awake. It's pretty good. Surprising in it's goodness really(probably due my disappointment with Metropolis 2). Again, lots of slow-ish songs that i'm no fan of, and the heavy songs are good, they just aren't all that great.

-I find that whenever I throw in Six Degrees I always just listen to Glass Prison, The Great Debate(btw, which are 2 of the greatest and well put together songs I have ever heard...seriously), Overture(coolness), War Inside my Head, and the Test That Stumped Them All. That's only 5 songs on a 2 CD album that has 13.
-Whenever I put in Awake I go right to Lie and maybe a few others. :mad:
-Whenever I put in Metropolis 2 I always put on Fatal Tragedy.


But who knows, maybe i'm wrong and there are or I haven't heard them or haven't given the CD's enough listening time.

Another thing about DT that I don't like is such unnecessary grandure. All the CD's with parts and scenes and it all seems like a whole crock of elitism on a their part to make themselves feel important.

I did however buy Stratovarius- Infinite and Dimension Zero- Silent Night Fever and they are VERY SEXY indeed!

Any thoughts on my comments? Any suggestions? Any disagreements? Post them NOW NOW NOW!

"I love Dream Theater... but I find "Six Degrees" to be an extremely horrible and embarrassing album...
I agree 100% with markgugs when he says Dream Theater are the most overrated band on the planet. Sometimes I wonder if their fans even really listen to the music. Sure every member of Dream Theater is at the top of their field talent wise, but that doesn't automatically mean their songs are good, as some people like to think.

Dream Theater peaked at Awake, in my opinion. I love that album, but have been more and more dissapointed with everything they have done since.

They lost Kevin Moore (keyboards) after Awake and I have never been impressed with his replacement, but more than that, I find thier newer music to be robotic and souless. Technically flawless and impressive yes, but that doesn't make music good. Dream Theater needs to concentrate less on showing off how talented they are and more on writing decent songs.

@markgugs: why isn't Opeth progmetal?
at least until the Power of Omens comes out (don't worry Trapped, the singer has improved).


Awesome band, but that singer... ACK!

About opeth: Avoid blackwater park, it is a hideous and embarrasing album, i hate it... STILL LIFE is the shit, awesome album... i had the album for weeks, and didn't get into it, and then suddenly i played it, and loved it *shrug* Dunno what it is, but i love mikael's clean vocals, they are amazing :eek:
To each his/her own......I think that Scenes is the best album ever......and I have hear a lot of shit.....I have over 700 cds, a friend of mine has over 1,000 and another frined (who used to work for sanctuary) has way over 3,000......No matter what anybody tells me, so far it is my favorite! All songs from front to back. I was kinda dissapointed with their last album.......if they cut some feedback crap from Misunderstood, and the long held note at the end of the title track (disc 2), you could fit it on 1 cd.....HATE changing cd's to listen to one album!
Now, I've been a fan since WDADU.......they are my favorite band and yes.....I listen to the songs........and I don't think they are overrated, metallica is overated, not dt.........they are where they should be!