Going to London

Black Winter Day said:
He can even stop over in Sweden and see the whole gang over there! They can give him snus.
I would, but if I'm going to spend time in NY I'll probably just stick to the UK since I'll only have a week there. My old roommates once planned a European vacation where they had every detail down to the MINUTE, staying in about 14 countries in 2 weeks. No thanks, I don't adhere to schedules at work, and certainly not on vacation. :tickled:
Russell said:
When you know the dates you're coming get in touch and we can arrange to meet up! :wave:
Aye, I'll keep you posted. I'm guessing mid-September, maybe a month later to save up more $$$.
lurch70 said:
lol ... you know the parking situation in NYC ... fuck, as long as the nighbours don't think that lesbian mobile is mine I can keep an eye out for it.
I know you just want to borrow my car to go pick up hairy lesbians! :lol:
JayKeeley said:
By the way, my next born pops out Sept 24th (give or take a month :erk: ). Plan arround the arrival of the next in my clan!
Probably a good idea, I'd hate to make it back there and be unable to party witchoo. Unless Heather wants me as her midwife. :loco:
NAD said:
Probably a good idea, I'd hate to make it back there and be unable to party witchoo. Unless Heather wants me as her midwife. :loco:
Actually, on second thoughts, you could be a good excuse for me not having to witness the actual birth. Man, I thought I had a strong stomach, and seeing my first baby arrive was cool et al....but the placenta. It's like a third lung just falls out from nowhere and collapses into a bucket. :ill:
Russell said:
Hey, that sentence implies I'm Welsh, which I resent :p
My thoughts exactly! Though I did kinda bring it on myself in the first place :loco:

Great Britain is full of people who don't give a fuck about patriotism, waving stupid flags of from their car windows, invading the middle east, blah blah.
Give us credit, it is football season ;) (and we won last night! Killer match!) though my flag of St George has been adorning my bedroom wall for a good five years now :cool: no seasonal patriotism round 'ere!

lager is served chilled, but bitters and ales are indeed served at room temperature, as they should be.
Spot on. And I'd like to see how many ales certain foolish Yankees can get down 'em ;)

Only thing I think I can add about London (which probably got added already) is that you might wanna watch out cos it's BLOODY EXPENSIVE! Last time I was up there a taxi ride cost 12 quid! Aaaagh!

Oh, and I'm sure that picture thing was hilarious, but the small writing is too small to read on this screen :blush:
NAD said:
Unless Heather wants me as her midwife. :loco:
OMG, you are a lesbian!

JayKeeley said:
Actually, on second thoughts, you could be a good excuse for me not having to witness the actual birth. Man, I thought I had a strong stomach, and seeing my first baby arrive was cool et al....but the placenta. It's like a third lung just falls out from nowhere and collapses into a bucket. :ill:
NAD said:
Well if you think that won't net you a 6 month stay on the couch, so be it. :loco:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Nah, no couch time for that! I'm just grateful I didn't have to witness it! :Puke:
I told him to stay up by my head, but once you get in that room I don't think you can help looking.... just like a moth to a flame. :lol:
haddsie said:
I told him to stay up by my head, but once you get in that room I don't think you can help looking.... just like a moth to a flame. :lol:
I can just imagine: "oh wow... look, my first baby! It's so.... so beau...-- wait, what THE FUCK IS THAT!?!?"
NAD said:
I can just imagine: "oh wow... look, my first baby! It's so.... so beau...-- wait, what THE FUCK IS THAT!?!?"
It's all bad news in there. I really like being a parent, but I can't understand why we humans can't just lay eggs. That would be way more convenient.

This thread started about something else, didn't it?.... Oh yeah, nice going on your trip to London! Do you think you'll leave the city at all for places like Oxford or Cambridge?
The only place I plan on going is Stonehenge, everything else is up in the air for the time being. Once I buy my plane ticket I'll start planning. :loco:

haddsie said:
I really like being a parent, but I can't understand why we humans can't just lay eggs.
:lol: I think this may end up in my signature.
NAD said:
:lol: I think this may end up in my signature.
I'm flattered :p, but there's no way that beats your current one.

When JayKeeley, Chief B and I went to Stonehenge we just kept giggling and reciting lines from Spinal Tap. So uncultured. :loco:
NAD said:
I can just imagine: "oh wow... look, my first baby! It's so.... so beau...-- wait, what THE FUCK IS THAT!?!?"
:lol: It's like that dream that Geena Davis has in The Fly when she gives birth to a giant wriggling maggot. The placenta on the other hand looks like a giant dead maggot.

Yeah, there is no need to see any of that shit. Some parents get all freaky and video the whole birthing event on their camcorders. I've heard that some 'naturist' type people even eat the fucking placenta. :ill:
Yeah it's supposed to be insanely nutritious. Not sure I'm willing to go that far. I saw a birth video in 7th grade for some sex. ed. class and that shit freaked me out. Maybe that explains why I didn't get laid for another 7 years, I was afraid to go near that area. :tickled:
take a lot of money with you
londoners are notorios rip off bastards for beer and food
ask for the good cheap places
you'd probably be better drinking bottled beer most places
safer than some of the pissy pints you'll get

better still go to belfast and meet some friendly bigots
A good website for last minute hotel discounts is www.laterooms.co.uk . Even with the discounts you'll be looking at $60 a night for something modest. I think London has the most expensive hotels outside of Tokyo.

I live in the south west, about 20 minutes from the centre. If you hook up with Russell maybe me and the Mrs could tag along too?
Sure, why not! Maybe I'll remember to pack an extra copy of my band's demo, too. :dopey:

Actually finances might dictate a NYC only trip, won't be sure until I pay a few bills next month.
Well, Did you end up going?

I'm heading over the pond to stay with the limey's for 9-10 months, and I get there on the 8th of August, but I leave for a Europe vacation this Sunday. Any metal bars, or ace as fuck bars to check out. Preferably ones with great stouts/porters/dark ales? Also any local metal shops I should check out?
I leave for a Europe vacation this Sunday. Any metal bars, or ace as fuck bars to check out. Preferably ones with great stouts/porters/dark ales? Also any local metal shops I should check out?

Europe's a pretty big place to answer a question like that! Where specifically in Europe are you going?

For London, most of the underground metal shows are played at the Camden Underworld. So head to Camden, especially on a weekend, when the market is running (get yourself a bikers jacket), beer is flowing (try the Tetleys draught), and there's always some metal gig on.