Gonna be fighting my best friend soon

But if there's one thing I've learned from DBZ, it's to never let your opponent see your true power until its absolutely necessary :D


tip from my brother's who are mma fighters is:

When you go for a punch keep a very loose fist until the moment right before impact. Use your hips to punch. FOLLOW THROUGH! Dont tap him and then pull back. When you strike imagine you are punching 10 feet behind him. If you can get a good gut shot like this you could probably win in one strike. Dont punch him in the face like this unless your trying to knock out his teeth or break something. :heh:
To answer some questions we'll be wearing gloves but other than that no protection really just.
and also i'd hardly call myself a metalhead :D

edit: it's over when one of us gives up so wont get over drastic...I think

Dear sir, this is not a very good idea. In fact, it's a bad one.

Why don't you just:
Straight and fast strikes, aim for the nose, the temple and the solar plexus. Keep your guard up and think before you hit, never get hot-headed.

fuck that ... punch him in the neck. Fight over

keep your body more sideways to him and as CK said, keep your chin tucked in near your shoulder with your jab hand mid level and ready. Right hand should be relaxed and up and closer to your head and for fucks sake, don't ever duck forward or your asking for a broken nose. Keep your posture to where you're leaning a little back from him as much as possible. Makes him reach further to try and hit and when he overextends, he's open ...

right in the neck
Okay well i think this got a bit blown up anyawys its a boxing match and either one us can call it quits when its over, my friends already had one match and the worst that they came out with was a bloody mouth and he said he saw multi colours for a couple of seconds. But anyway it was more just to inform and watch for entertainment because who doesnt like watching stuff like bumfights :D
You can fight like a queer pulling his hair, scratching his face and twisting his nipples or you can fight like a man sticking your nails in his eyes, hitting him hard in the testicles for half and hour and breaking his spine... then impale him and let the scavengers do their work.
Oh, sorry, is your best friend...so then forget about impaling him. Just leave him on a wheelchair.
You can fight like a queer pulling his hair, scratching his face and twisting his nipples or you can fight like a man sticking your nails in his eyes, hitting him hard in the testicles for half and hour and breaking his spine... then impale him and let the scavengers do their work.
Oh, sorry, is your best friend...so then forget about impaling him. Just leave him on a wheelchair.

Best post of the thread :lol::worship:lol:
I think Jevil wasn't really trying to give advice on effective ways to hurt your friend, but rather that he also thinks it's fucking stupid. Really, what is the point? Don't you guys have anything better to do in Wales?
Ok heres the wholee huuuuuge details
About 3 years ago we were in a queue to see nofx and 2 of my friends were arguing over who was in front and they were getinn really pissy, and then it nearly broke into a fight which was kinda stupid and then for about 2 1/2 years people have been specualting over who would fin (my mate - stocky but enver been in a fight) or (mr.fighty for anomynimity (SPL?) - hes skinny but been in a few fights usually over the same thing) and last week they finally had a fight (same rules as this one ,boxing gloves etc etc...) and i've gotta say it didn't look that bad and it honestly looked fun to some degree , besides if it gets to much im out.

And have you ever gone to wales :D
im in a little village where the nearest city is 35 miles away and to get to university everyday from where i live i have to drive for an hour with just mountains and sheep.