Good and Evil

Do good and Evil exist?

  • Yes, Some people are good, some people are evil

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Everyone is capable of both good and evil actions

    Votes: 11 44.0%
  • There is no such thing as good and evil

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
Did you finish the series? I'm on tale of the body thief. I can't help but keep wanting Lestat to start ruining everyone's shit, because you know he's that powerful, but he always gets caught up with schizophrenic voices in his mind and hallucinations of claudia and david dying and all that crap.
i've seen people that had really fucked up lifes, and yet managed to remain sane.
And there are some educated people that are really fucked up, i've read that the Rotenburg Cannibal, had a real normal life, and yet, he decided to eat a man
In his defense though, Germany didn't have a law against cannibalism until the Armin Meiwes case... He only got charged with manslaughter at first, until the crown appealed the decision.
you're kinda missing the point here but whatever. I think there is the culture factor also. In a indian tribe in amazon, wen twins are born, they are buried alive. I don't think the shaman is a bad person.

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i've read that the Rotenburg Cannibal, had a real normal life, and yet, he decided to eat a man
That was an intersting case. I still remember that. But I wouldn't agree with "he had a real normal life". Well, perhaps he was waering regular clothes, lived in a regular house and had a regular job but what goes on in the minds of these people and how they are raised and how their brain works is what distinguishes them form the sane. He was for sure pretty badly fucked up in his mind long before that happend... Before he put his phantasies into actions. He has had these phantasies since he was a teenager. He was schizoid, had a strong inferiority complex, was completely lonely as kid so that he had imaginary friends, his mother accompanied him every time he dated someone.. and I bet he was never in a "normal" sexual relationship with somebody (I don't know but I can imagine that very well.) He had lived together with his mother until she died. After that he lived all by himself.. So.. I can't call that a "normal" life.
vikk said:
I think there is the culture factor also. In a indian tribe in amazon, wen twins are born, they are buried alive. I don't think the shaman is a bad person.

Why can't we say that this is a barbaric practice? What stops us from saying these people are ignorant and wrong for burying live children? Like I said earlier in this thread:

If you want to debate cultural relativism, then fuck you

yeah, but they're doing it under a religious guise - they're doing what they believe is best for the tribe because (i tried to read up a little on hakani) they believe that twins are born without souls or something, i guess they think they're dangerous - whatever. it's a horrifying idea, and it was even to the twins' relatives and one of them tried to save the child. but think about all the other practices and laws (usually with religious basis) enforced in countries all over the world that are barbaric and horrible by our standards.

those laws are enforced because the people of that culture think it helps the people - by banishing evil or sin or whatever. they don't think of it as people being hurt. then there are serial killers, bullies, abusers who know that they're hurting people and intend to do so. but even then, it can be based in how your surroundings effected you - hitler thought he was doing what was best for the master race. i guess he looked at the holocaust like we'd look at planting mouse traps or bombing a house with insecticide. abusive parents often think they're doing what's best for their child...

yeah, just kinda rambling here, but i'm really interested in this idea.
Concepts, they are. One with the universe they are not, but a method to divide it upon itself. A unison of the force is impossible under such conditions, yes.
I believe in "good" and "evil" only as frameworks erected by a society of people to teach which things benefit the society and which don't. It's a perfectly sensible thing for a society to do, since then it can praise (and encourage) acts beneficial to the society, and condemn (and discourage) acts that are selfish, unlawful, or otherwise detrimental to the group.

If you're asking me about "good" and "evil" as cosmic forces vying against each other and trying to influence the galaxy by proxy (i.e. through the acts of humans), then I'm afraid I'll have to say you're full of bollocks. There are no cosmic forces, one good, i.e. selfless, compassionate etcetera, that rewards you through karmic means, and one evil, i.e. selfish, ruthless etcetera, that will punish you at the end of your life, even though it benefits you during it. We make decisions based on what we were taught about good and evil, and based on the positive or negative consequences they might have for us.

As the Witcher so aptly puts it: there is no good and evil. Only decisions and consequences.
there is no such thing as good and evil. there is no reason to even begin to suggest "good" and "evil" exist. everything is entirely subjective (including this platitude) so we might as well just stop discussing it.