Good & Bad about today...

@ingrid - that´s what I am doing :/
uuuh, sounds unnice... :S but did it always hurt or did the pain just return from time to time (yeah it´s weird to ask but I have that case that after a sport accident in 2008 this happens to my left knee -.-)

good: I now know I cant do anything else than resting
bad: fever of 39,4°C makes me feel like I am... HOT >.<
good: you will never kill my humor, obviously
bad: have to stay in bed at least till monday
bad: i am bored already now :/

Well the pain wasn't there all the time. But I wasn't able to stretch my knee entirely since that accident 5.5 year ago.
It only became really painfull when I overloaded it; like running, jumping, standing too long (festivals, long days at work), walking on high heals etc.
But usually I could live with it pretty well. but going to gigs/festivals, running etc killed me more and more.

I indeed remember you having trouble with it. You should keep a good watch on it. I didn't expect my knee to be in such a bad stage as it was to be honest.

Be carefull with your fever!!
Isn't there someone that can take care of you?

Good: I bought a new camera lens! Ok it's second handed, but I really don't care about that. It was just 80 euros instead of 360.
well, several docs have checked it in all different kinds of ways, so it should be rather okay I guess...

nope, noone, living alone but it´s okay, have been to the doc and feel at least alive enough to stay alone to not infect anyone else XD
well...i am alive, and now back at uni, which is a GOOD thing about today...
the BAD thing about today is that i still feel weak and cant really concentrate >.<
ewww earinfections suck :S

no university yesterday, but a gig...and now:

bad: i lost my voice. my apartment looks like a mess. the hotel doesnt reply to my email.
good: the photos turned out better than expected. my coughing is getting less. i feel rather fit :)
Good: I had a lot of time for reading <3
Bad: I am freezing most of the day and don´t know why :S


Bad: I just checked the tourdates of one of my favourite bands, a german band, and they play a gig rather close to my hometown on my birthday in September. And I am in Finland. This seriously broke my heart.
it is 1:12am...and i am awake, writing this. oh dear lord.

Bad: i have insomnia and slight headache. university coming up, and so is my dieting.
good: the really bad headache is gone, and i have ppl entertaining me on twitter


bad: i am tired as hell >.< and my Finnish skills just sucks >.<
good: i don´t have to do the journalism course but still get the credits *bounce*
Bad: The water boiler got fucked when the landlord wasnt at home, now I'm probably considered guilty.
Bad: I forgot the lights on in the balcony , where the boiler is, for a whole day and I didnt discover that, but the owner of the house did :lol:
Good: All this feels strangely amusing. :lol:
Bad: i feel dizzy and have shitloads to do :/
Good: tomorrow flying to Germany. Time out from FIN.
Good: on Sunday Turisas gig
Good: I already lost quite a bit of weight thanks to my diet :D
Bad: had a test today and it was difficult
good: finally my SUAF limited edition arrived ^^, I'm soooooooo happy
Good: spring-weather <3
Good: going to the zoo today
bad: need to pack today my stuff for returning to FIN.