Good & Bad about today...

Good: Getting in charge of all lights and security stuff in rave party, can't wait!
Good: I'll most likely get my studies finished by May after all
Bad: Way too much to do and way too little time
Bad: Probably not getting to see the gig in Nosturi on Saturday

//edit: Oh, f-it, going to Hel today after all. Yais!
bad: loads of things to do
bad: feel worn out as hell
bad: right wrist and foot still hurt
good: tomorrow and saturday turisas
good: weather is nice today
Bad: some people´s attitude towards working and contributing to teamwork
Bad: cold. so much about spring. fml.
Bad: the wound on my finger still hasn´t healed >.<
Bad: need to wash dishes. ran out of clean ones. shit.

Good: have been offered to do a cross-cultural minor that starts in autumn
Good: got loads of work done last night
Good: semester is soon over hahahaha XD
Bad: i ate too much and feeling sick
Bad: im bored as hell

Good: nobody cares im doing anything today hahaha
good: not much to do
good: stockholm calling somewhen soonish for one day of sightseeing with some gift voucher from vikingline
good: only one exam and one presentation left till the semester is over :D

bad: tired as hell
bad: no spring weather -.-
bad: much press-work to do

EDIT: forget about everything above. ultimate disaster.
I just had to start facing the fact if everything rally is as bad as it seems I can forget about finally getting my Cello from germany to Finland in August. Even when I´d skip all coming Turisas gigs/festivals I had planned I most likely couldn´t afford it. -.-
Bad: Too much to do in too little time
Bad: Feeling tired
Bad: General hassle

Good: Nice weather
Good: Good food
Good: Got finally all except the last of my grade works checked, best possible grade from photography and Photoshop, which means that so far I have best grades from all grade works but one, from which I have the second best. Damn I'm good!
Good: Had a nap
Good: My computer isn't acting up too badly
Good: Played my violin a LOT :'D

Bad: Dog was whining
Bad: Back's hurting worse than normal
Bad: Mum keeps bugging me about stuff
I'll put the bad first because it will make the good much easier to understand.


I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out this morning.
I look slightly like a monkey/like I'm pouting because of the swelling.
I can't open my mouth too much and sound utterly retarded when I try to talk.
No solid food! What did my parents have for lunch? Pizza. Dinner? Pork chops! Bah!


I was knocked out completely for it.
My surgeon was very handsome. ;)
I had chocolate yogurt for lunch.
I had an amazing day of sleep. I've been far too busy last few weeks with uni and work to ever get more than 3 hours sleep a night.
I had cold potato mash and gravy for dinner (I adore this dish, but prefer it hot).
I had chocolate yogurt and ice-cream for desert (don't have ice-cream all too often).
ooooh hope it gets better soon!!

1. I have holidays :D
2. I just handed in my HRM essay

1. Have shitloads of stuff to do
2. The weather is rather like april weather than may, at leats partly -.-
3. Still don´t know about my press-passes
4. No idea what I have to do for my other summer studies >.<
Thanks Cari!


Slept in. Again!
Parents left for Vietnam for two weeks this morning.


Woke up with excruciating pain in my jaw.
Now that the parents are gone, I can't party. I have to study for exams coming up.
Must do the pre-study clean of my room.
can get rid of the HRM book
could go photographing

laziness strikes again
it´s cloudy again
am somehow tired
my allergies annoy the hell out of me
Bad: Waking up after 5am every morning
Bad: No idea if I'm going to see the ice hockey world championship games in HKI next Spring
Bad: Hassle & hurry
Bad: Still missing my dorm family

Good: Realized just today that goddamnit, I've actually graduated. Woo-effin'-hoo!
Good: Summer
Good: Our dog
Good: Being able to do just what I like for a while. Feels good.
Bad - problems with my journey from GER -> FIN with my cello
Bad - allergies
Bad - the weather making my head ache again and again
Bad - problems with a uni-meeting
Bad - still no place where to sleep during SOA

Good - I have holidays
Good - I dont meet anyone when doing my nighttime walks and can enjoy the silence and the smell of spring
Good - I got good grades for my courses from last semester
Good - in general I don´t have to see anyone if I don´t want to.
Bad: Overloaded with schoolwork.
Bad: Dad seems to be coming down with another case of Bronchitis.
Bad: The horse I ride seems to have mange. ._. This means she might have to be quarantined for a few weeks, but I have to show in just a few weeks. And my competitions require meticulous training over weeks, if not months.

Good: Only one more day of schoolwork, and I'm home free!
Good: The mare had a good run. She's so free and young looking when she's galloping around the pen, just like in her old racing days. :3 (Ohyeah. Be jealous. She's a retired Arabian racehorse. :'D)
bad: I have not been on this forum for some time
bad: facebook seems to have drawn me away from all the forums I used to visit

good: I am home
good: I made some time for woodworking
good: I am eating lunch right now

questionable: Despite his efforts to ensure secrecy, I know what AndreasS looks like

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Same here, though I replaced the harddrive in my computer and completely neglected my responsibilities to this forum. Shame on me.

Good: summer
Good: finally got a job
Good: will finally graduate the uni in December...probably going for a masters after that, but i am not sure at the moment.
Good: School's officially out!
Good: The mare. Was. Amazing. In my (very short) lesson today. And it seems she doesn't have mange.
Good: I'm officially trying to get back into art. Drew a phoenix humanoid today. :D

Bad: I threw up 10 minutes into my riding lesson. :(