Good & Bad about today...


Day to myself for once.
Cleaned my car.


Was a bit too lazy, could've gotten more done.
Wasted time watching the Step Up movies. They're really not that great.
Made my gym session pointless by buying a chocolate bar afterwards and devouring it before I got home.
- Soon getaway Rock Festival :D
- itching gets less, yay
- everything´s planned
- nice weather

- time flies by, creepy
- need to do uni work
- much to do
- apartment looks like a mess
-New spurs :D (not as long as my other pair...)
-Garlic and herb butter! :'D Now I can have garlic bread whenever I want (unless we run out...)
-It's a new month!
-I will take my violin out and play it today. Hopefully start on some new songs~

-It's Friday
-Ditching work again xD
-Mathematics >.<
-Still in California...
-Still no air conditioning...
-Still a largely pessimistic person
most of my mosquito bites stopped itching
completed yet another summer course
Getaway Rock is approaching
now i have some time to read :)

the mosquito bites on my hands still itch very badly :/
the weather is just annoying me somehow
have so much things to do, awful
still one more summer course to be done -.-
(I'm going to throw in some stuff from yesterday too, since it was an AWESOME day!)

Second morning of having a dream with Turisas in it!
Waffles for breakfast! With (real) maple syrup!
Almost made my mother cry yesterday by singing both the American and Canadian Anthem. (We're from both countries~)
Hit a Bflat6 yesterday.

Waffles are still being made...
I'm hungry.
I have to start planning what to pack for camping x.x
Still too lazy to get off my lazy butt and learn violin parts for Turisas songs.
asthmatic attack => now feeling weak and ill
a day full of stress
no summer weather
so sick and tired of travelling

nice EUC Futsal 2011 volunteer meeting
soon Turisas in Sweden
Sampy Arctica™;9909160 said:
^ Shit, I hope you're okay. :(

thanks for asking :)
i had to run like 800m in 3min to get my train and that was a bit too much for my lung...but the day after i was already back to fully okay :)

TODAY and last days

i am recovered from Getaway Rock in Sweden
my apartment looks nice and neat after cleaning and tidying up

that weather annoys me
i feel like sleeping all day long XD
the team I guide lost their match today
=> no free day tomorrow but a match *sighs*
i am slightly tired
i dont know when my team plays tomorrow haha

the guys are awesome people :D
i will get to play futsal tonight myself
i just like the whole thing though it´s so chaotic at times
- spent the whole afternoon with people from all over the world, cracking jokes and just having fun
- today was just tons of fun~
- one day closer to riding an amazinggg horse :D

- my Finnish friend just introduced me to Jare & VilleGalle. I... I don't even know anymore.
- Just saw some friends from Romania I had not seen in 3 years, kids got to play with their parents' cats

- my scalp still hurts from surgery I had 2 days ago - minor shit, but still
- time to wash the black clothes . . . I am out of clean metal shirts

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
i can fully relaxx

stupid weather in cologne -.-
I miss finland
i miss "my" team
Good: I made £10 doing some gardening. Which is £10 more to spend on alcohol for Bloodstock, which is good since I was running dangerously low on cash.

Bad: I've got thorns and prickly things in my hands now.

Found the caves in the mountain down the road from me. Finally.
Put tax return in. Now to wait two weeks.
Children of Bodom Australian tour was announced today. Promoters are friends of mine = Sampy possibly going on tour again.
Currently drinking.


Skipped uni. But I'll catch up this weekend...
Slipped my mind to go to the gym today.
- i had a mostly relaxxing day

still a little ill
had to do packing again
miss several people :/
Good: Nothing today...

Bad: I had an allergic reaction to a wasp sting about 4 days ago. I was stung on my leg and the swelling is just starting to go down, but my calf is still about twice the size that it usually is. It's been painful to walk on for days as well, and yesterday I couldn't walk on it at all.

There was a problem with my Uni application. I was accepted by my firm choice, but a few days later than I should have been. For some reason or another, the University housing office didn't realise I was going there, so although I should be guaranteed accommodation, I'll either not get accommodation at all, or I'll probably get something really really bad.
Edit: Found out about my accommodation. I've literally got accommodation that I cannot live in. If I can't swap I'll either have to live off campus, which'll be annoying, because part of the reason I chose to go there is because it's a campus Uni. If I can't do that, I won't be able to go to University this year.

I've also gained a ridiculous amount of weight recently.
Bad: just realized Netta isn't coming back
Bad: just realized Hannu isn't coming back either
Bad: I'm living on a 1200 calories per day diet
Bad: It's September 11, RIP about 3500 people

Good: things could be worse

Very good: just realized Lisko isn't coming back either

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan