Good & Bad about today...

Bad: my health is a bitch again
Bad: I feel dizzy
Bad: lost my creativity and would need it for completing my summer course

Good: soooon (well on Thursday) Sauna Open Air and on Friday Turisas...and photographing :D
Good: awesome weather
Good: i have some time to relaxx (well I could if I wasnt so used to being busy 24-7 LOL)
Good: I got a summerjob, yay!
Good: Officially no more school, the exam went pretty well.
Good: I got some nice tofu sausages... Gonna heat up the grill and see if they can do even better than good ol' soy sausages! x)

Bad: Too. Damn. Hot.
Bad: That mountain of dirty dishes.
good: Turisas :D
good: no rain
good: I am having fun where I am atm :D :D :D :D

middle: photographing

bad: the weather >.< FML too hot >.<
bad: slight sunburn though having used 50+ sunblocker
bad: running around wearing a scarf as "hat" >.< (aka looking stupid)
bad: everything hurts. I feel old.
Good: Turisas.
Good: I actually managed to spend 8 hours outdoors in this weather.
Good: Had a fun day.

Bad: The weather. Too warm!
Bad: My feet hurt
Good: I am home
Good: it is rather cold

Bad: I have no warm water in my flat (well, I don´t need it anyways atm XD)
Bad: i feel so dead there is no words
Bad: no stores open. ah well. then not XD

12 hour sleep.
Turisas blasting while studying makes it a tad more enjoyable.
Still have 12 energy drinks left. Plus two guarana shots, but goddamn they taste horrible...
Double time and a half pay at work tonight.
One day closer to my weekend bender in Sydney.


Have to actually go to work...
Not enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done and have enough sleep to not feel like crap the next day.
One day closer to an exam.
the way you wrote it it sounded the other way round...

Bad: I spent the whole day with editing photos
Bad: I feel kinda sick and all worn out
Bad: still no news from Nummirock

Good: finally rather cold outside
Good: warm water is working again in my flat
Good: didn´t have to see anyone today LOL

Good: fml two ego boosts on one day, no idea where that will lead hahahahaha XD
Good: Returned to work after being off for like... 6 months, today! :D
Good: Rode a horse better than most people do.
Bad: Had to bail off galloping said horse after a jump. (Lost my balance, couldn't get it back because SHE HAS NOTHING TO HOLD ON TO, she got scared, took off galloping, stayed on until I discovered another horse in our path that wouldn't move, bailed off.)
Good: No major injures. :D Just need a new practice helmet. ._.
"DOUBLE time and a half". :)
Saying "time" is another way of saying regular pay, so double time and a half is your hourly wage multiplied by 2.5.
That's the system we use here in Australia for penalty rates.

Anyway -


Anime-style haircut getting ready for this weekend in Sydney for Supanova.
Pay day.
One more exam down.


Erm. Can't think of anything. Yay!
Sampy Arctica™;9865361 said:
"DOUBLE time and a half". :)
Saying "time" is another way of saying regular pay, so double time and a half is your hourly wage multiplied by 2.5.
That's the system we use here in Australia for penalty rates.

Riight... :D Well, not being Australian I didn't know that.
Sounded like you were working double time with just half the pay. :P
Good: all photos edited and online
Good: no warm weather XD
Good: time to relaxx

Bad: i feel sick
Bad: no MTR coming weekend for me
Bad: still need to write and put online most of the festival report >.<
bad: i am dead tired
bad: skin is itching all over thanks to mosquitos being thirsty during Nummirock
bad: i am hungover
bad: it is all my fault

good: looking through photos now
good: hope for good pics is still alive lol
good: i am home
good: no mosquitos anymore