Good bands that cause more harm than good


kaiju eiga
May 19, 2002
Detroit, MI
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So my favorite RC thread right now, 'Bands that you fucking HATE,' has me thinking some. What are bands that though good, we would probably be better off if they never existed?

Another reason I thought of this thread is because I'm listening to Quicksand right now, one of my favorite bands of all time (who I haven't listened to in years), and though I still love it, I realize how much copycat shit they have spawned over the years. So that's my first example of many, Quicksand. Any others? I can think of alot actually, but I'm curious what others think.
Well, first of all, can I wager a bet and say that Helloween will be mentioned more than any other band in this thread?

Otherwise, it's tough to pin it on a band, but can I list an album?


Enough said.
oh and Dream Theater. THis band has caused more shit bands to pop up than anyone. Why? I don't know. I guess people like copying the musical equivalent of taking a diarhea laced shit while jerking off.
Nirvana. They made an entire generation lazy.

Alice in Chains. Spawned infinite shitty clones that still plague the airwaves.

At the Gates. Yep.

The Rolling Stones. Because they will... not... DIE!!!
I agree with Alice in Chains . . . because the single handedly created Godsmack. The worst band EVER! They even took the name from Alice in Chains, and they totally deny it. I'LL KILL THEM!!! I'LL KILL THEM!!! I'LL KILL THEM!!!
npearce said:
I agree with Alice in Chains . . . because the single handedly created Godsmack. The worst band EVER! They even took the name from Alice in Chains, and they totally deny it. I'LL KILL THEM!!! I'LL KILL THEM!!! I'LL KILL THEM!!!
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr those fucking FAGS. I went to their website ONCE just to see if they fucking acknowledged the fact that their IDOL Layne Staley had died, but NO. Nothing. Then I read that bullshit story of how they got their name. Fuck that band, fuck them up their stupid asses. :mad:
NAD said:
Nirvana. They made an entire generation lazy.

Alice in Chains. Spawned infinite shitty clones that still plague the airwaves.
Yes! Not that I'd consider these bands 'good' in the first place though...

I'd like to consider Anthrax for I'm The Man and the rap metal abomination it helped inspire. Though that song by itself is pretty cool.
ReDilS.kCalB said:
Not me . I don't think Possessed fit that category well
if you don't see possessed as one of the the main influences of brutal death metal, you DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. just ask glen benton or trey azagthoth, then come back to me.

and npearce, you are teh gay, but it's simply what we all have come to expect from you! :Smug: :oops:
Black Winter Day said:
if you don't see possessed as one of the the main influences of brutal death metal, you DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. just ask glen benton or trey azagthoth, then come back to me.

and npearce, you are teh gay, but it's simply what we all have come to expect from you! :Smug: :oops:
I'm just messing with you.:loco: I love Shadows Fall. :headbang: Have you listened to Of One Blood yet? Have you caught on to the fact that their lyrics are Christian?
Helloween - they deserve most of the blame for derivative power metal, along with Judas Priest

Manowar - for inspiring idiots to take true metal rhetoric seriously

and I'm going to get slaughtered for this one:

Darkthrone - for championing the emphasis on shit production

I'm not a fan of any of the above, but most people are ignoring the "good bands" part... :)

yeah, i've listened to it twice... it is definitely heavier than 'the art...', but it still retains that impeccable sense of melody that that album has (something that many other heavy/thrash bands try and cannot pull off to save their lives). so far, it has not reached the level that 'the art of balance' has for me, but trust me, i will be listening to it many more times! :cool:

christian lyrics? never noticed, don't really care. they could be singing about the working class fish ball boys and the electric french fries and it would still own.
Black Winter Day said:
christian lyrics? never noticed, don't really care. they could be singing about the working class fish ball boys and the electric french fries and it would still own.
I didn't notice it for years. Then somebody pointed it out, and I had the same reaction as you. I have a shirt from one of their tours, and it's kind of blasphemous. So I'm not sure exactly what their beliefs are. The song "Destroyer of Senses" is a song about the evils of alcohol, but I know for a fact that the band drinks like the Irish. I've seen them do it in person. If you ever get a chance to see them live, make sure you do it. They are very fun to watch. They are kind of like In Flames . . . no matter what you say about the music, they put on a very professional and exciting live show.