Bands that you fucking HATE.

here's a list of songs i hate

songs where the back-beat is in front of the lyrics where you get the beat stuck in your head for forever even though you have no idea what the fuck the lyrics are (Nirvana's Teen Spirit comes to mind)

songs where the back-beat is definitely behind the lyrics where it's supposed to be, but the back-beat is recorded separately from the lyrics and the audio for the lyrics is warped to the point of being totally unintelligible lyrics

songs where you get the chorus stuck in your head because the non-chorus parts are unintelligible lyrics (see A and B)

songs where a word is horribly mispronounced to make a rhyme

Songs where the chorus is way-the-fuck more words than any of the verses (that's just lazy song-writing)

gangsta rap and trap music (see A, B, D and E)

songs mentioning "pimping" drug-dealing and "hoes" (see F)

the "songs" that are really just one-single-sentence on a loop for 3 fucking minutes (this is almost always done in the style that would be considered "trap music")

the speed-rap shit where you can't understand the lyrics cuz they're cramming a billion words into a 3-minute song
(when you go to the lyrics end up being D E and G anyway)

J) songs where the singer is Justin Beiber

K) songs where the lyrics are completely-blatantly-obviously written by a "professional-song-writer" (NSYNC's entire first albulm, Christina Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle, Ke$ha's "your drug is my love", and pretty much anything by the Backstreet Boys or 98 Degrees)
i want to take the time to explain why my previous post made me sound racist

the first cop that saw Trayvon Martin's corpse was in that location for the purpose of trying to arrest Trayvon and couldn't do it cuz Trayvon was already dead

when Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, they were the same height and Brown, while standing on the ground, had to reach all the way across Darren's body to reach the gun while Darren Wilson was sitting inside an SUV with a super-high ground-clearance
Darren's ass was high enough off the ground that his shoulder would have been high-enough off the ground that as a patrol-cop Darren should have had the hand-to-hand-combat-training and the reflexes and the upper-body-strength to fuck-up Michael Brown's ribs/trachea/jaw/nose with his elbow/fist and completely totally prevent Brown from reaching the gun

Darren's face injury appears to be the result of Michal Brown's finger pulling the trigger and the re-coil of the gun making the gun smack Darren in the face from the shot that went up and shattered the sunroof
the moment the gun cleared the holster was Darren Making a mistake, cuz he should have had the hand-to-hand-combat training and reflexes and upper-body strength to prevent Mike Brown fingers from reaching the gun and/or kill Brown without drawing the weapon

then this happened

which resulted in this happening

i totally hate the black lives matter movement

so when it looks like i hate black people
it's because i hate black culture
and there's a huge difference
i hate the whole black culture where being a Drug Dealer is someone's entire source of income (as opposed to something you do on the side after you get home from your 9-to-5 job)
and i hate the way that black people still have pimps (as opposed to the white hookers that have been hookers for decades and have never even seen a pimp)

so as a clarification of anything that might sound racist in my previous post

hate the songs that glorify drug-dealing (Chamillionaire's Ridin Dirty) and misogynistic songs that talk about pimping (the song that's actually called "Big Pimpin")

Chris Rock talked about difference between black people and Black culture as a Joke

I'm doing it as an actual legit complaint
when a mere 12 percent of the population makes up an entire 60 percent of the prison population
you can sit on your couch and say it's black dudes doing prison time for crimes committed by white people,
or black people being more likely to get longer sentences
or white people being better able to get probation
or white people doing crimes and getting charges dropped
blah blah blah

but at the end of the day
what's really causing 12 percent of the American population to be 60 percent of the American prison population is black culture
black culture that's being glorified and perpetuated by gangsta rap music

the ghetto gangsta culture needs to disappear
my previous post included me complaining about the types of music that perpetuates the black culture

however i also listed music by white singers/white song-writers that i hate

here's a list of songs i hate

J) songs where the singer is Justin Beiber

K) songs where the lyrics are completely-blatantly-obviously written by a "professional-song-writer" (NSYNC's entire first albulm, Christina Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle, Ke$ha's "your drug is my love", and pretty much anything by the Backstreet Boys or 98 Degrees)

i hate
Britney Spears
Jessica Simpson
Imagine Dragons
emo music
and "Christian Rap" (which actually includes white and Asian people)
I had this weird urge the other day to look up the lyrics to “Get Low” because I heard someone “singing” it. So I did. What a strange culture. Rape, misogyny, violence against women all in one song. Interesting. And I’m no expert but I’d venture to guess that genre twenty years later is exactly the same. I loathe whatever you call it.
Uhhh…sir? You would be referring to the song “Aww Skeet Skeet”. Please get your Gangsta rap songs straight
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* “Get Low” does indeed make use of the colloquialism “skeet” which means….

….I don’t actually know
seems to me that y'all are perfectly capable of ruining your state yourselves, i understand if you don't want competition
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