
i wouldn't give bmd a perfect score, but it's definitely in the 9/10 BUY OR (possibly) DIE category.
Erik said:
god damn nad: arent you like an ANALOGUE TUBE ONLY WOOO NO DIGITAL SHIT type dude? 'cause blakkheim's tone is Boss GT-3, mostly. surprised the shit out of me.
normally, and for my own shitz, yes i am (note: my bass amp has a tube preamp but solid state power amp and my tech 21 distortion pedal is all digital, world = not perfect). i also know he's a big fan of that one violently orange boss distortion pedal, not the ds-1 but that other one i forget. either way, the shit just works extremely well and it's the real defining part of katatonia for me.

also of note, i've always loved dimebag's tone and he always used randall transistor amps, and my guitarist gets most of his tones out of a digitech multi-effects thingy. through a full tube marshall head at least. :loco:
i think hm-2? yeah i'm pretty sure that's the one, i think in the katatonia forum anders said that was like the secret to a lot of death metal albums he worked on, iirc. <--lolzcronym


Erik said:
and yeah, transistor shit can sound good. i mean "slaughter of the soul" is a fucking metal zone through a peavey transistor head and a broken 2x12 cab.
hahaha, i didn't know that. that's some killer guitar tone right there too.