Goodbye Chuck


Oui, avantgarde à chance
Oct 9, 2001
Inside my body
I know it's off topic, but before going out and having fun at saturday night, I wanted to remember for few seconds Chuck Shouldiner, the Death Metal itself, as many of you maybe know.

He's gone yesterday, dec. 13- still so fucking young, intelligent, creative.....whatever else.

The world is emptier, today.

That's all, folks.
Nothing more to say.

Have a nice evening, people.
yeap, that's a hard beat!
I don't know why, but I always thought he would recover from the cancer....I'm so shocked!
It seems so unfair...
but I have no real word, just tears....
Yep, despite I don't like so much the work by Mr Shouldiner (I'm not so interested on it, so I heard only a bit of his works), to lose a life is actually a tragedy, so... I feel sorry for the life of this musician. The fact we're still alives is a reason to fight for all those who died, specially for those who died young. Nobody deserves the death. CARPE DIEM!
What a sad news. Well... "Thanks" Atlantis, you're the first to tell me.

My deepest respect for this man.

Death - Voice of the Soul (fits pretty well for the moment)
Originally posted by FatherVic
yeap, that's a hard beat!
I don't know why, but I always thought he would recover from the cancer....I'm so shocked!
It seems so unfair...
but I have no real word, just tears....

Man, it's been especially bad for me at this point as well....

My Dad also died of Cancer 3 weeks ago, and I honestly thought he would recover too. Now I've lost a family member and one of the biggest death metal influences.

My Dad was also a guitarist.....Both of them influenced me to pick up the guitar 10 years ago. Now they're both gone and I'm still standing. With hope and determination I hope to accomplish what Chuck did for me and others. Maybe one day I will help finish his mission.

For what it's worth, I offer my best wishes to those of you still running.

A few of you may remember the whole card game fiasco in the "We all live dreaming..." thread. I'll reiterate on that but i'll skip stupid metaphors. There's two things y'all gotta see.

When Chuck died, I believe that a little part of him went out into every person who listened to him, who loved him. I know this sounds like some BS you tell little kids, but I mean it. There's a part of him living inside of all of us. He helped shape our musical tastes, and many of us musicians learned from him. But everyone who believed still has a little bit of that spirit. I can feel him...

Also, this is where you show your true colors. Yeah, when someone dies, it hurts. You'll feel bad. But if you live past that, nothing can touch you. When someone you love dies and you're old enough to truly understand what it means, You're as tough as you'll ever get. Tragedy becomes insipid...No accident or death or anything can hurt you as much.

So we're all stronger now, and we're closer than ever to one of our heroes...perk up, guys. :)
Steve Digiorgio, one of the best bassplayers in the world and his friend, wrote this letter.
I post it here, maybe some of you already found it, some maybe don't-

Here it is.

This is the first time since I've heard the news that I've been on the computer. I can see that news travels fast. Everyone knows by now. Also I want to thank all of you for your kind words of caring and support. So what do I have to add? We have lost an icon in the metal music world. More importantly, I have lost a good friend of many many years. He was born the same year as me and we had a lot in common.
It's obvious that I played my best around him, somehow he brought out the sickest bass lines in me. He always pushed me to do more, think of more, pushing the boundaries and find the most innovative things...but to still keep it within the formula. I have lost an inspiration to my own personal musical quest, I will miss him forever. We were in the middle of doing the next record, and it's sad beyondbelief that he never saw it to it's completion. We will try our best to finish it in his honor, but will never know if it lives up to his standards.

That's the least we can do for someone who gave so much and cared so much about what he did and how it effected those who belived as well. Though I am glad in some small way the the suffering is over for him...that he would not be able to play his guitar again, reorganize his massive vinyl collection, work around the house, go to the beach, go to concerts...the things he loved
to do. He didn't deserve a life without those things that made him who he was. Because he was, what he loved.
He very much loved his family, never being too far away from his mother, father, his sister and his nephew. He loved animals and his pets were his family too. He loved the outdoors, barbeques, beaches, hikes, and canoeing took up a lot of time when we weren't writing new tunes. Of course he loved music, he made it his life...and we made it ours. It's true he had something very serious, and possibly something that would ultimately take him.

But I want you to ignore all the rumors, all the hearsay, all the bullshit...and know that he never accepted his fate. He never gave up trying to overcome it.
He went down swinging and was a true fighter until the end. He was told by his first doctor he didn't have long to live, so he went to another. When those doctors told him the same thing, he did it again - he went to find the answer he wanted, not the answer he was given. He traveled all over the country looking for someone to help in his fight. He wouldn't take no for an answer. His will to live was strengthened by the resolve of those around him.

His family most of all who didn't hesitate to do what was neccessary for him. His friends who tried to pitch in whatever possible. And the fans and supporters all over the world, who's words and contributions kept the spark alive when things seemed the darkest.
Be proud of his work, his heart still beats for us every time we listen to his songs, because his heart is
in his work.
Goodbye for a while Metal Brother, I'll miss you more than words can say.

Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 12:25:29 (EST)
Steve Digiorgio"