Great songs on bad/mediocre albums

Vegard Pompey

Feb 26, 2008
This thread is for sharing songs you love that are hidden away on albums you would never recommend.

I'll start by sharing the song that inspired this thread. This is a 5/5 tune for me and I keep returning to it but the album it's on is pretty messy and not really worth anyone's time.


I won’t say it’s a bad or even mediocre album, I’ve just never been able to get into it aside from this track which slays.

It’s much easier to name bad/mediocre tracks from otherwise good/amazing albums. For that one I have “Where Dead Angels Lie” from Storm of the Light’s Bane. Awfully saccharine and bland especially when it’s on the same album as Soulreaper, Unhallowed and Night’s Blood.
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Not amazing by any means, but a cut above everything else on Slaughter of the Soul.

An obvious one. Absolutely crushing and amazing masterpiece of a song. The rest of the album is mediocre.
Here’s one that belongs in the controversial opinions thread and probably no one will agree with me:

A savage and violent riff fest. Rest of the album does nothing for me.
Schizophrenia is better. I don't remember the last time I spun BTR but then again I don't spin Sepultura all that much relative to all the other thrash I own.