Greece - bands, concerts, ... whatever

Originally posted by Dionysos
Mocika: Great news! Have a nice time at the gig!
Btw which other bands will play?

PS: Greetings to Sakis:p :lol:
Thanks! Hopefully we can take pics... since the phot passes have been promised!:)
Enslaved, Dark Tranquillity and a Polish band (don't know the name :( ) will play with them.
:o ENSLAVED?????????????
Oh, lucky you................ lucky you..............

(I souldn't have asked you about the other bands.....:cry: shit I want to see Enslaved live so fucking much...... though I know they'll never come to Athens:cry: )

Anyway have a nice time X4 (each time for each band;) :) )
@Dionysos: Enslaved was f*** great!!
But I was a bit disappointed with RC, they were too stiff... i understand they recorded a DVD, but i felt it was a bit too steril...
Unfortunately they had some technical problems and a few songs were played at least 3 times... some (impatient?) fans were pissed off and left while they were playing...
anyway, their music is still great!
Originally posted by Mocika
I was a bit disappointed with RC, they were too stiff... i understand they recorded a DVD, but i felt it was a bit too steril...
Unfortunately they had some technical problems and a few songs were played at least 3 times... some (impatient?) fans were pissed off and left while they were playing...
:( That's very sad and embarasing! I would have also leave a gig if a band did something like that!!!!!!!:mad:
Originally posted by Dionysos
:( That's very sad and embarasing! I would have also leave a gig if a band did something like that!!!!!!!:mad:
I think it was also embarassing for them... and when fans were leaving, that made it even worse. btw, i just started to laugh when they started the intro for the 3rd time... I hardly wanted to believe it was happening in real, at a live concert... :lol:
I guess the recording of the gig for the DVD didn't prove to be a good idea... I always thought that when a band wants to release a live album or a DVD it's better to record many gigs and choose the best and not just focus on one... Of course something like that may be difficult for a greek band due to the increasing cost of the recording machinery but still the results would be better... After all a live recording is supposed to represent the real conditions of the gig and not to play the same songs multiple times (it never happened to me, I guess it was really irritating). Maybe next time you'll be luckier Mocika...

@opacity: Odes of Ecstasy are indeed a greek band, but they aren't among the most famous... Still, they are quite good...
finally the pics are ready...
this is the ticket:

and about the concert:
i have some more pics those haven't been scanned but they are not the best. I like to call them 'artistic' pics:lol: