
Just to say it I saw Cerebral Bore at death feast and it's way better than their only issue (that I dislike too).
And yeah it is hard to stay on your foot the third day of a festival of this kind but I hope for you that you will not miss some great things !
Anyway good fest !

Also Amputated live is pretty cool if you like inhales and frog vocals.
Okay, so I returned from Obscene on Sunday morning and I was feeling pretty sick for the three days after and haven't got to write something about the stuff I heard there. Now I have some time, so:

First of all, I doubt that there's any better festival out there for those who like grind at least a little. Everybody who was there says the same thing imo. The area of the festival is made for much more people than there are on OE so there's always a lot of space where you can go and catch the right spot that best suits you. What I didn't like about the organisation was that there is no meat to eat inside, all is vegetarian. But there is a gas station about 50 meters away and also a centre of Trutnov is like 300m away so you can go to pub any time you want.

The first day I still had something to manage in Prague so I arrived to Trutnov just before General Surgery started playing (I missed Ingrowing and all those bands before, unfortunately). I watched the whole set of General Surgery and it was really a warm welcome because the sound was pretty good and they played all those old deathmetal classics and also the faster newer stuff which was probably liked more by all those punks there who were jumping from the stage. Next band were Cattle Decapitation but I really wanted to go to some bar to get drunk instead of being outside so I went to some nonstop and won some money in poker, then threw up and then fell to the ground somewhere in the center of Trutnov.

Next day, fucking sun everywhere, I went to a pub first to get a buzz in a shade and then entered the areal when Psychofagist were playing. Sat there with beer and Psychofagist were pretty enjoyable, some technical bullshit grind, but good for a shorter fun set. Then World Downfall, straightforward grind. Funerus have chick in the band and they play oldschool dm just for the sake of being oldshool. The chick made me smile when she said "this is not nightwish right?". But really, they were just boring imo.

I don't remember the next two bands so I must have gone to pub, but I made pretty sure to fucking see Insidious Decrepancy!! There were some problems with sound at the beginning but then it just fucking ruled. I mean, shawn is one of my absolute heroes of OEF. Also, I like that he said that it was his life gig (partly because he was yet to play on the third day with Viral Load) etc., and that Obscene Extreme is a dream come through which I agree with! It fucking is.

Then Rompeprop, but I wasn't in the right mood for them so I went to pub for another beer and a coffee to survive till Doom was playing. I returned to see Master, but I don't remember much anymore because I was in total shit already. I think they were pretty good. Cripple Bastards too, angry grindcore. And then Doom! I was really looking forward to see them and yeah, they showed exactly what I was expecting - crust songs made of three chords, all souding the same. I liked it, but I really don't know much anymore. What I remember though is that there was no chick in Haemorrhage - which confused me because I always thought there is the curly blonde bitch. Maybe she doesn't tour with them? Also they had to switch their set with Malignant Tumour because their plane arrived late.

I don't don't remember anything further from that night so I must have passed out. Then: Waking up at 5:00 and finding a better place to sleep.

I've seen few bands out of the third day's running bill, but it started to rain a lot, a fucking storm really and there is like nothing to hide under there on Bojiště so there were like 15 people in the front when Japanishe Kampfoerspiele was playing. At this point I decided not to care to be like, swimming in the rain and I went for another beer. I slipped into the mud so I looked like a fucking golem since then. A perfect reason to get completely wasted again. There was an announcement that Spike Cassidy from D.R.I. has collapsed on US airport and their bassist had to take him to hospital so just a half of the main headliner arrived. They obviously couldn't cancel their show so they had to find some guy from Trutnov to play the guitar with them. That fucking guy had only few hours to learn their songs! Then on stage he looked like he was a member of the band for 20 years or something. Really fucking cool shit. I was drinking some beers on the gas station then and talking with some guys and realised he was there too so I talked with him a little. Great guy really, a way to become a headliner of a festival in few hours' Cheers!

After D.R.I. it started to rain like fuck again and I blame God, because Incantation were about to play! My favourite band out of the bandlist really, so I went to the front and enjoyed the fuck out of it. There was almost nobody in front because the intense fucking storm so it felt like they were playing just for me. So fucking great. Two meters away from them, drunk as fuck, in a fucking rainy storm. ONWARD TO GOLGOTHA! Probably the best experience I had there (not surprisingly).

Then I went to some nonstop to drink through the night and take a train home in the morning. I don't remember most of this, though I know I was hitting on some ugly chick in a nonstop and then she showed me her boyfriend who was there all the time, a really tough guy tbh, so I just backed out and was glad I'm still together. She still kept talking to me but I really didn't fucking care anymore. Next thing I remember is asking a cashier on a train station for a ticket to Prague and her replying: "but you are in Prague". So I completely missed my travel home. What the fuck.
I still don't understand why Frightmare and Bile aren't more popular than they are. Both are very unique, highly talented bands that I believe have the ability to hold their own in the ranks of bands like Impaled and Haemorrhage.
I still don't understand why Frightmare and Bile aren't more popular than they are. Both are very unique, highly talented bands that I believe have the ability to hold their own in the ranks of bands like Impaled and Haemorrhage.

Bile holds quite a cult status actually, I think they are well appreciated in certain circles. Frightmare, however, I don't know. I listened once to their latest album and it sounded just like another boring deathmetal band on Razorback. That's me judging from the first listen though.
Czech band Eardelete (ex-Negligent Collateral Collapse) released their second album this year on Obscene Productions:

I quite liked the new Beyond Terror Beyond Grace album. Aussie grind.

That's also released by Obscene, I missed them on the festival and I have some sticker at home so I checked them out but I don't find the album itself very entertaining. Maybe it's good, it's just not my cup of tea I guess.
The new Purulent Jacuzzi is fun. It has like 15 minutes of music (which is not a lot for a full-length :eek:, but it's fun and I dig the sound, especially the colombian snare.
The new Purulent Jacuzzi is fun. It has like 15 minutes of music (which is not a lot for a full-length :eek:, but it's fun and I dig the sound, especially the colombian snare.

I like it too, not as great as their debut though.
So has anybody heard the new Phobia? Also, I'm listening to new Mincing Fury and it's fun and groovy, typically czech (surprise).
Picked up the PLF/In Disgust split at Rites of Darkness.

Killer shit. and I didn't know Mincing Fury had a new one out.

Haha, I keep hearing about PLF yet I never heard their music. BTW, I heard the Insect Warfare / Carcass Grinder split yesterday or two days back and it was fantastic. IW is among the best.
I haven't heard the split in question, but Insect Warfare are for sure fucken' awesome. I have their LP and the compilation CD. Both are great slabs.
Insect Warfare is my favorite band of all time. They're from Houston. <3 I also like older Pig Destroyer, some Anal Cunt, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death, Assuck, Phobia, Carcass, Discordance Axis, to name a few.
Yeah, Insect Warfare is pretty damn good. You should really check out PLF!

I'm listening to them right now and it's good, yeah. Cool riffs imo, not just regular stuff that's still the same and repeats all over.

Insect Warfare is my favorite band of all time. They're from Houston. <3 I also like older Pig Destroyer, some Anal Cunt, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death, Assuck, Phobia, Carcass, Discordance Axis, to name a few.

I would probably want you to be my girlfriend but you live far away and Andy was first so I'll leave it for now. :p BTW you would enjoy Obscene Extreme festival.
Ondra, it's cool, I'll take her to OEF some day and we'll all rage and drink awesome beer ;)

BTW, did you ever hear the newest Squash Bowels, Grindvirus? What'd you think? I thought it was a marked improvement on Love Songs.
PLF calls themselves "hellshredding grindcore" for a reason lol. they can shred and bring the riffs and still grind the fuck out. one of my favorites.