
^ I'm not familiar enough with carnivorous erection to give it a fair review as yet, but I'll have to go back and have a proper listen.
I've only ever been attracted to goregrind for sonic reasons, but I'm not really bothered by the themes and artwork, i just don't focus on them or look up lyrics, the only thing that turns my guts a little a some of the sound-bytes you can encounter on goregrind / BDM records, (The outtro to Gorgasm's Lacerated Masturbation springs to mind) actually I got a huge "WTF is this?" from the misses the other week when she hit play on my ipod and CC's Addicted to Vaginal Skin happened to come on , lets just say I didn't get close to any vaginal skin that night....
A friend of mine gave me a limited edition Brutal Truth - Need To Control box set today with 5", 6", 7", 8", and 9" vinyls in it. Anyone here know if it's worth anything?
Squash Bowels are one of the best grind bands ever.


I think it was Krow who mentioned this..really enjoying the vocals on it. Probably one of the best grind releases I've heard so far.
Fuck yeah Squash Bowels, they will play at OEF. What about another Polish goregrind, Dead Infection?

Also, if you guys like Camp Blood then you have to like the band I mention so often all around the forum. Die Pigeon Die, they're australian and have one EP out. Get over the stupid name and check them out asap :)
I just ordered two goregrind cds, french Blue Holocaust's and czech Carnal Diafragma's. Both effin ace, I recommend.
I'm currently getting ready for new Rotten Sound (and their OEF performance) by relistening to their older stuff. It's amazing.