
BTW, did you ever hear the newest Squash Bowels, Grindvirus? What'd you think? I thought it was a marked improvement on Love Songs.

Yeah we discussed this already. I can't wait to see them on Obscene. Also, on a side note, Entombed are confirmed to be a headliner there, have you seen them live on MDF or something? What do they play on shows nowadays? Not that it matters much as I think the newer death'n'roll stuff will rule live too, especially on such a party (as death metal alone isn't a party).

On another side note, Stephanie, you're from Texas and I love Insidious Decrepancy and seen him live (that's what I think of when I hear Texas, ldo). I hope you know him! He's a happy guy and the announcer kept mispelling the name as "Descrepancy" and it just made him happy :lol: (and nobody noticed).
Anyone know where I can find this?

What are you talking about in the last three posts? The picture won't show and I feel out of place :(
Oh! Cool girls, the album is nice, but I've heard they are kinda amateur-ish live.
Listening to Suffering Mind from Poland. Pretty good furious grind / powervieolence.
^One of the most ridiculous shitty bands of all time. Not brutal at all, just garbage.
^One of the most ridiculous shitty bands of all time. Not brutal at all, just garbage.

Well Arnez, what do you consider good goregrind,? because LDOH clearly sounds like damn good goregrind to me. I've only had a few listens but already I feel I'll be holding this album in the same regard I hold classics like Left Hand Pathology, Reek of Putrefaction & Sickening Bliss.
I really dont like Sickening Bliss that much. Not when compared to Carnivorous Erection, anyway.

My main problem with goregrind, as unfair as it sounds, is the album artwork/song titles/etc. I dont want to look at it myself, let alone if someone else is looking through my cds. I'm all for cartoon zombies and horror imagery... but I can only look at so many exploded heads and autopsy pictures. :lol:

some of my favorite stuff... havent seen anything goregrind related in the past couple years that interested me much.
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