

Sep 14, 2002
Darmstadt, Germany
I know some guy would be bored,
but I think many guys out there are big fans of guitar playing, guitar technics and especially Alexi's guitar technic! So as me! Sometimes I would like to compare notes/ experiences with other guitar-freaks!

So my first question to you:
The fast run at the end of black widow!
Has anybody noticed that its ripped from Paul Gilbert? Well, many guitarist play what others play or copy them but this special run I saw on an Paul Gilbert Practicing Video called Intensive Rock II. It's exactly the same as at black widow! Everybody know that Alexi is a Paul Gilbert fan! Has anybody seen?
well this happens to me all the time when creating music... i sometimes copy some my favorite riffs without even thinking...
They ripped quite a lot from movie themes... the keyboard intro from black widow is ripped of from a miami vice episode, as far as i know, the keyboard melody of "hate me!" is a ripoff from the psycho theme, and i also heard, that the the intro from the tokyo warhearts version of "touch like angels of death" is also a movietheme ripoff
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
They ripped quite a lot from movie themes... the keyboard intro on black widow is ripped of from a miami vice episode, as far as i know, the keyboard melody on hate me! is a psycho ripoff and i heard, that the the intro on the tokyo warhearts version of "touch like angels of death" is also a movietheme ripoff

I know, also for example the Intro of Something Wild is from Ben Hur! Sinergy also have done it! That's not really ripped, I think! That's lent!
I'm using to study music
And I found a lot of riff and pattern in metal music magazine that sound EXACTLY like some alexi's solo...
Like in Aces High, he do a slide-Pull/Hammer thing in his solo
and the day later i listened to it i found the same thing in a magazine

well... everybody found influence everywhere :)
And I'm terribly agree that Paul is the main influence in Alexi solo
yea we, or at least i knew that, over at the sinergy forums we discussed this before. alexi is a huge gilbert fan.......
They ripoff Mozart alot too, the keyboard riff in Red Light in My Eyes part 2 at :26 is straight out of Moazart's "Confutatis" movement out of his Requiem Mass. Again in the song hatebreeder they rip a section of mozart's "Queen of the Night Aria" from "The Magic Flute" opera. I love classical, but I don't know whether I like CoB using this stuff or not.
The first riff in "Red Light in My Eyes part 1" is taken from Mozart (or was it Bach?). In "The Nail" there is a part from Bach´s Toccata in D-minor (somewhere before 2:00). And the beginning of Warheart "From now on we are enemies, you and I" is from a movie called Amadeus.