Guitar Tone Competition IV: Sign Up

I'm in. Will prob do this over spring break, as I am producing three CDs right now. I have a rare amp called a Johnson. It's a modeling amp, and would like see how it fairs against it's competition.
PM re details
I'm trying dudes. Don't be mad at me :( I go to school and work full time, AND record. My life is so busy it hurts. I'm going to try to get these done this weekend at the latest.
I just got message from Greg that he is currently recording the DI's, but since because of all these delays, Ermz said that he can't process the drums (or can he?), so I need someone with a good sense what pop punk drums should sound like to process already written midi, but possibly do some humanization if the person sees fit.

And preferably someone who is considered "good" and can do it TONIGHT so we can get this show running by Monday.