Guitarist STEVE SMYTH Parts Ways With NEVERMORE - Aug. 30, 2007

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Bad news! Well, Steve was a member of the best Nevermore-album done so far.

Now it's time for Broderick to become full-time member of the band, without leaving Jag Panzer.
Is Loomis just mean to all the guitarist that join the band or something ? This is guitar player number ? to leave the band?
Just seems weird.
that's a really good point..., it would explain the revolving door for guitarists in nevermore.... broderick is way too buff for loomis to intimidate........
also, this statement is clearly why steve was avoiding the question
who wants to announce they've left a band and have nothing lined up.
I hope that there isn't any bad blood between them, though. I can't imagine anyone not getting along with the guys in Nevermore. I don't know them personally, but every time I've met them they've been really nice and down to earth.
RE: spinal tap drummer deaths

Richard "Ric" Shrimpton (1982-1999) Allegedly sold his dialysis machine for drugs, presumed dead.

I think this is where Steve fits in.
Sure, Steve's a great player that wrote some killer songs, but DO keep in mind that there was a Nevermore before he even thought of joining the band, and his only real input for TGE was on three song, not the entire record. Yeah, I'm curious what the next album could have sounded like with him, but hey... life goes on, and so will both of their careers.
Yeah, to be honest I do like his writing, and was looking forward to more.....

but if we got our choice

seconding tee's mention of Pat O'brien
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