Guitarist STEVE SMYTH Parts Ways With NEVERMORE - Aug. 30, 2007

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Is Loomis just mean to all the guitarist that join the band or something ? This is guitar player number ? to leave the band?
Just seems weird.




Thanks. i needed that laugh.

Am I allowed to say I've known about it for a long time now

Someone get Tim Calvert back in.

Did you want to ask for Lenny Rutledge too, while you are at it?
Doesn't Ledmag still have the RIP Ethereal Sadness in his signature?

Hopefully Chris' role in the band, whether touring/session guitarist or becoming a member doesn't go the route as it did with Curran Murphy.

So there are two trends for ya, the revovling second guitarist door, and then the overly pretty touring guitarists. What a strange web has been woven.
Hopefully Chris' role in the band, whether touring/session guitarist or becoming a member doesn't go the route as it did with Curran Murphy.

So there are two trends for ya, the revovling second guitarist door, and then the overly pretty touring guitarists. What a strange web has been woven.

Could be worse; such as modern day Guns'N'Roses (I lost count of all the guitarists).

Seriously though, I've a lot of respect and admiration for Smyth, so I wish him all the best.

Nevermore: stay relatively consistent on the guitarist front from now on kthxbi.
I asked WD a long ass time ago, "Why can't you keep a 2nd guitarist", he said something to the affect of "We're a fucked up family." I don't think it's ever had anything to do with the guitarists ability.

Correct me if i'm wrong?
So, they bully the guy into quitting? Or is it more like they do nasty raunchy things that only the strong can handle?
So, they bully the guy into quitting? Or is it more like they do nasty raunchy things that only the strong can handle?

Well I talked to Curran a long time ago and he basically said he was like the chick who just stopped getting calls from her boyfriend....
it means the rest of the guys didn't pay him enough attention.
And Chris has been chillin' with those guys for a long time now. He deserves his shot at playing on an album, as official member or session, he should give it a shot. it'd be cool. just leave the power metal riffs to the power metal bands. don't bring that shit. i like power metal, but that isn't for Nevermore.
i agree. he's an amazing guitarist. i'm just worried about whether or not he can write songs in a similar style to Nevermore, not just play their stuff.
yeah, i don't have a problem with Jag Panzer. i love them. it's just not the same as Nevermore. but yeah, Chris is great, he should be on at least one album
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