
Yep... hoping that one of these appearances, I'd "get" why so many people
seem to like them. Haven't figured it out yet, even though I give them 3 songs at every performance. Which is why I laughed when I was castigated by Mr. Meedleyx10. Even more funny, is the fact that I didn't bash PoS at all, only said that the only thing I would blindly bash is PoS, I haven't had a good PoS tirade in a long time. No new material coming over from that side of the pond lately. Scarsick has some good musical arrangements on it, but it's still contains everything I dislike about the band. Eventually, Meedleyx10 will understand that the lemmings & I just agree to disagree, and except for the unprovoked attack at Prog Power :lol:, we can, and DO, peacefully co-exist.
Way to bait the PoS troll (me) Flavio! :D :LOL:


My pleassure oh fearless leader!!!!!:heh:
Ok, thanks for the information:)

no problem. He posts over on the jemsite forums from time to's a really good place to keep yourself up to date on new gear and so forth. I personally don't see a production model 24 fret S series coming out, but then again I also didn't think we'd see Ibanez put out a production model 8 string or another S7, so let's hope I'm wrong!
Ibanez i cant keep away from them , the last one i bought about was a cheapy and it still plays great and sounds great:rock:
The best is when you take a cheapy and turn it into a god. Did that when I put Dimarzios in my RG-350 DX, it's my favorite guitar I own, I like it even more than my flying v now.
no problem. He posts over on the jemsite forums from time to's a really good place to keep yourself up to date on new gear and so forth. I personally don't see a production model 24 fret S series coming out, but then again I also didn't think we'd see Ibanez put out a production model 8 string or another S7, so let's hope I'm wrong!

Neither me. But the 8 string model really suprised me although I never would be interested in an 8 string.
That 8 string they're coming out with is actually pretty sad. Basswood, screwy scale, poor pickups, etc. Then again, I've never played one, but I'm just listening to what some people I've been talking to are saying.

I'd rather get a Halo 8 string. Probably cheaper and it uses better material for wood and it's customizable, etc.
I might ask stupid. How to post pictures??

You first have to have a place to upload your pics to, either webspace provided by your ISP, or one of the freebie sites out there, like photobucket.

Once your pics are uploaded, you can link them here like this:

IMGhttp://your photohosting address/picfilename.jpg/IMG

You'll need brackets [] around the IMG & /IMG.....

Hope this helps....

My guitar... Valley Arts Custom Pro with EMG's and Floyd Rose:)


Sorry my facial expression! hihi
True.. I should've been more specific.

I consider anything below $400 to be a cheapie, and my RG-350 DX originally cost me $300, would've been 350 if I wasn't friends with the shop-owners' son who was working at the time. i dropped a Dimarzio X2N and PAF Joe in there, and it plays and sounds amazing.

So I guess it's really more like when you take good cheapo's and make them into gods.
I think Fender as a whole is an overrated brand. They have some nice axes, like the USA series and the Showmasters, but I'm really not too fond of them. If I ever bought a Fender, I'd probably end up getting the Floyd Rose Fender, just 'cause it's as close to my style as Fender's gotten so far.