guys from band if u can read this...u shoul consider not come to mexico

Chances are you don't love your sibling as much as I love mine, so how 'bout we send you or your sibling to Mexico instead of mine, OK? (LOL)
Seriously, why don't we send all the bands from all other labels there? We don't need them. Imagine, radio with no new Celine Dion. No more country music to further contaminate the airways. Only Amon Amarth all day every day, 24/7.:rock:

i never asked that, and im not trying to me mean/rude/or stupid

but are you actually a fan of amon music or supporting your brother?

or a fan of the lyrics (since you know everything about paganism)
i never asked that, and im not trying to me mean/rude/or stupid

but are you actually a fan of amon music or supporting your brother?

or a fan of the lyrics (since you know everything about paganism)
All of the above, I guess.
No offence taken. I am a gargantuan fan of Amon Amarth. I would have loved the music even if the vocalist was somebody else's brother. It just turned out that he isn't, and that he's my brother, which makes me lucky. I have been a headbanger since I was a kid - been through all sorts of metal as it has developed over the years, but nothing that I like as much as AA. Not for lack of trying, because it's nice with a variety in the cd changer, but I do like this particular sound the best. I love the vocals, I cannot get enough of the guitarring, the drumming is amazing, and the arrangements are unreal. Over the years, they've had the opportunity to work with some really good producers that have turned the tunes every which way, too. What's not to like?
I'm glad Johan happens to play something I like, because otherwise I'd be supporting him and his band anyhow, only not enjoying it as much. I'd hate to be the sister of someone like Celine Dion. Can you imagine cheering at all those concerts? No thanks. I much prefer it this way, but I still would go even if I hated the genre or the band, because he is my brother and a woman's loyalty should always lie with her brothers first. (I'm lucky in that I have two brothers who are truly amazing people). So yes, I am supporting my brother, too.

And I am a heathen, so yes, I do like the lyrics.

I am also amazed that that little squirt that grew up before my eyes can "do that". I don't know why I am so surprised, considering his parents and how they are, but still. It's not like my parents ever encouraged Johan to start writing music, or to train his voice to do that. All the band members impress me. I mean, I know I kick ass at my job, too, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to be that good at something? I wish I could make that many people that stoked with what I do.
Seriously, why don't we send all the bands from all other labels there? We don't need them. Imagine, radio with no new Celine Dion. No more country music to further contaminate the airways. Only Amon Amarth all day every day, 24/7.:rock:

Do you mind waiting until the summer time is over? I want to do a couple of metal festivals.

PS. Update 10/may- seems the Mexico show will go on unless last minute cancelation.... :erk: I wonder how much of a say the band really have in this?
Do you mind waiting until the summer time is over? I want to do a couple of metal festivals.

PS. Update 10/may- seems the Mexico show will go on unless last minute cancelation.... :erk: I wonder how much of a say the band really have in this?

Yes I am all for waiting myself....just dropped a third of my paycheck to take my roomie and little brother to see Slayer in August. funny they wanted pit tickets...why do i feel like I am paying to get my ass kicked...
Do you mind waiting until the summer time is over? I want to do a couple of metal festivals.

PS. Update 10/may- seems the Mexico show will go on unless last minute cancelation.... :erk: I wonder how much of a say the band really have in this?

most likely they have the final say, other than that it's between the promoter as he's forking gurantee money up front and also the label
Chances are you don't love your sibling as much as I love mine, so how 'bout we send you or your sibling to Mexico instead of mine, OK? (LOL)
Seriously, why don't we send all the bands from all other labels there? We don't need them. Imagine, radio with no new Celine Dion. No more country music to further contaminate the airways. Only Amon Amarth all day every day, 24/7.:rock:

Yeah, but what I mean is, the guys in the band make people stoked when they write songs and perform. I love what I do, but I don't have much of an impact on vary many people's personal every day lives.

I´ve just come from the concert in Mexico City and it was so fucking cool. Great they didn´t listen to those fucking comments about not coming here. I´m sure they´ll go back perfectly healthy
Yeah, archaeology. On a good day, I dig up dead people or write papers. On a bad day I catalogue and weigh and count, catalogue and weigh and count, catalogue and weigh and count.
Yeah, archaeology. On a good day, I dig up dead people or write papers. On a bad day I catalogue and weigh and count, catalogue and weigh and count, catalogue and weigh and count.

Sounds great. My aunt and my cousin do that too. They were digging up half of their city at one point.

I'd give anything right now if I could get paid for doing something interesting... doing a PHD would sort the interesting part but unfortunately has no guarantee of a job at the end... and unless I get lucky, no salary either...
Could always do what I do normal job is boring as watching paint dry....but,and we just started this so its small, bought a house with 2 acres and started up a facility for unwanted and mistreated animals...right now sittin at 4 dogs and 5 cats.
Could always do what I do normal job is boring as watching paint dry....but,and we just started this so its small, bought a house with 2 acres and started up a facility for unwanted and mistreated animals...right now sittin at 4 dogs and 5 cats.

Unfortunately getting a PHD is incompatible with a 9/5 job to pay the bills, and getting started as a freelancer will take months, even years before I make ends meet. Sorry bad week again!