HAIR METAL!...Dedicated to The Trooper

The Trooper said:
My list of favourite bands form that era could go on forever, so here goes haha:

KISS, Motley Crue, Ratt, Bon Jovi, Poison, Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Dokken, Warrant, Skid Row, Guns N Roses, Pretty Boy Floyd, Roxx Gang, Vain, Tuff, Hericane Alice, Cinderella, Britny Fox, Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Winger, Van Halen, Danger Danger, Firehouse, Lizzy Borden, Slaughter, Roxus, TNT, Treat, Keel, Black N Blue, Spread Eagle, Vixen, Lee Aaron, Twisted Sister, EZO, LA Guns, Nitro, Bulletboys, Cats In Boots, Fastway, Faster Pussycat, London, King Kobra, Slik Toxik, Rhett Forrester, Lynch Mob, Quiet Riot, Erotic Suicide, Vince Neil, Heaven's Edge, Shotgun Messiah, Every Mother's Nightmare, Metal Shop... the list is pretty much neverending hahah! There's not many that I don't like!

But some I've never been able to get into are Great White, Quireboys, White Lion (although I love Vito's guitar playing, just don't like Mike's voice or the songs much), Wrathchild, Enuff Z'Nuff, Bang Tango, Nelson, D.A.D, Push Push, Madam X, and various others.

Haha... they've lured you out with a Hair Metal thread, trooper. :)

Nice list of bands, you are indeed the Hair King. However, you don't like Bang Tango and Madam X?!! Bang Tango was a bit bifferent back in the day, I'm not a huge fan but I do like them (they put out waayyy too many live albums/ep's)..... but come on, the Madam X album is killer! Give it another listen if you can, at least listen to "Good With Figures", that track is everything a good hair metal song should be. :)
Bryant said:
Slaughter - Mark f'king rips in the studio and live. Can't stand his bass player though....

Keel - I would rather eat sulfuric acid than listen to Ron Keel sing. There are very few bands or artists I will really get down on, but he is the exception. He is terrible.


Sorry Bryant, but I couldn't disagree with you more. I'll take Ron over Mark any day! Slaughter sounds like he's singing through his nose. :) The stuff he did with Vinnie V is ok but I didn't dig the solo stuff.
Bryant said:
Tesla - diverse band with lots of great music.
Motley Crue - Mick Mars doesn't get credit for being a completely original talent.
Scorpions - Outstanding band with great vox, guitar and bass and was chunked into the "hair band" category because they started writing songs that fit the scene during that time.
Nice choice, there! I forgot Tesla, myself. Now, you had me with those two, but then i read this.....
Bryant said:
Dokken - George was/is a monster player and I like Don's voice, but they don't so it for me anymore.
oh, Bryant, say it ain't so. Dokken, in my eyes, are one of,if not the best hair band out there! And George Lynch is STILL a monster player!
YES! HAIR METAL is right up my alley! DELIZE...a fellow kentuckian who doesn't know what hair metal is?!?!? Please turn in your Maker's Mark bottle immediately! haha Just kidding...

Here are Ted's Top Ten Hair Metal Essentials!!! Whattaya think, Greeno?

STRYPER - who I include because I am SURE their drummer, Robert Sweet is a woman
GUNS N ROSES - when Axl had the big "fro..." before the bandanna

The only reason I didn't list others like Van Halen etc. is because they didn't really wear a lot of makeup or look like chicks. hahaha
tedvanfrehley said:
YES! HAIR METAL is right up my alley! DELIZE...a fellow kentuckian who doesn't know what hair metal is?!?!? Please turn in your Maker's Mark bottle immediately! haha Just kidding...

Awww! But I never said I didn't know what Hair Metal is! I said, "Who else is considered Hair Metal?"

We had mtv!!! :) I weren't raised in no barn! :( Hahahaha!!
Ok I take it are right...I thought you meant "what is hair metal". I was just about to shave my mullet for that one! You were breaking my Achy Breaky Heart!

ok, I'll quit....

props to you!
tedvanfrehley said:
Here are Ted's Top Ten Hair Metal Essentials!!! Whattaya think, Greeno?

STRYPER - who I include because I am SURE their drummer, Robert Sweet is a woman
GUNS N ROSES - when Axl had the big "fro..." before the bandanna

Can't argue with that list, Ted. I've not heard much Tuff, need to track some down. They were from Fla right?

The drummer from Stryper was H...O...T... :)
Speaking of guys who look like girls, a couple of years ago I found out the guitar player from Til Tuesday was a guy!!! Always thought he was a chick. :lol:
I'll admit this in good faith that you all probably did the same...I'm secure in my masculinity here...but did ANYBODY else think POISON was a buncha hot chicks when Look What the Cat Dragged In first came out? I remember seeing it on the wall in the store and thinking, "Damn! That girl's better looking that Lita Ford! I gotta check that out" and then, "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo!!!! They're guys!"

tedvanfrehley said:
I'll admit this in good faith that you all probably did the same...I'm secure in my masculinity here...but did ANYBODY else think POISON was a buncha hot chicks when Look What the Cat Dragged In first came out? I remember seeing it on the wall in the store and thinking, "Damn! That girl's better looking that Lita Ford! I gotta check that out" and then, "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo!!!! They're guys!"


It's ok Ted, you can come out of the closet, we'll still love you. :)


I did the same thing! The first time I saw that cover I picked it up because I thought it was an all girl band. :lol: However, the dudes from Pretty Boy Floyd were way hotter........ rrraaalllpphhhh.....vomit......puuukkkeee... other sounds like blowing chunks..... :)
You guys shouyld check this band. It's called TEN. TEN is retro 80's Hard Rock bit AOR ish. Their ex-Guitarist Vinny Burns sounds lot better than Yngwie Malmsteen.

My recomemded album is "The Robe" and "Babylon" Their main man is Gary Hughes who sounds like very much like David Coverdale.

And White Snake were never hair metal till SOTT. 1987 recording members never had hair metal look, David Coverdale, John Sykes, Neil Murray, Ainsley Damber and Don Airley.

1987 album do NOT sounds like glam metal. It's traditional British Hard Rock at it's best.

Before 1987 White Snake were great blues metal sounding very much like Deep Purple.
How about Europe? and Lita Ford although she has sort of been mentioned.
Greeno Tuff are well worth tracking down, and they do a good live show too. I think most of the albums are available through their websie but how expensive they are compared to ebay etc I don't know. I suppose it depends how much you are prepared to spend and wether you want new or second hand.
Greeno: The only Bang Tango album I have is "Dancin' On Coals" and I relaly don't like that one, however I've been told to check out their debut coz I might like that one more... And with Madam X, I have "We Reserve The Right" and a couple of the songs are fun but I dunno, just seems very below average to me. Roxy Petricci went onto much better things with Vixen I think!

Tuff are great, definitely worth checking out. I dunno where they were originally from but they were an LA band based on Sunset Strip since about 1987 (and their first album wasn't until 1991). So they're pretty much a Hollywood band to me. Jim Gillette of Nitro was actually their original singer but then Stevie Rachelle took over very early on. Stevie is great - a true fighter to keep glam alive!

Hahahaha I also thought Poison were hot chicks when I first saw the Look What The Cat Dragged In cover... my reaction when I saw it was "Hang on, I thought Poison were a male band..." Hahahahah! Pretty Boy Floyd look even more like chicks yeah haha! I love their image though lol.

Europe are good.. my favourite album by them is actually Prisoners In Paradise, great album. As far as Scandinavian melodic rock/metal bands go though, I think I prefer Treat, TNT & Bad Habit over Europe..

Nice choice with Tigertailz Metal Dog! SUPER GLAM! I think Love Overload is my favourite song by them! How good are all the disclaimers on their Bezerk album... "No hair extensionz. No Wigz. No surgery." Hahahah! And "Warning: This record has been specially designed to explode your head." :lol:
The Trooper said:
Europe are good.. my favourite album by them is actually Prisoners In Paradise, great album. As far as Scandinavian melodic rock/metal bands go though, I think I prefer Treat, TNT & Bad Habit over Europe..

Holy crap, I can't believe that you know Bad Habit, Trooper! Sounds like you've dug way into the underground of the Glam scene. Cool.

I picked up a Bad Habit disc not long ago, some very good stuff. I missed out on them back in the day. The first 2 Europe albums are my favorites. I remember seeing the video for TNT's "Seven Seas" when it first came out and running to buy the album the next day. Ronnie LeTekro was a killer guitar player. I've still never heard their first album, the vocals are not in English, need to track it down.
Here's a list of Bands in that genre that, were lumped into that Hair/Buttrock label that I feel you should have something by...
Ratt, Cinderella, Dokken, Motley Crue, House of Lords, Black N Blue,
Hardline, Saigon Kick, The Scream...
To be honest, there's not much from that era that I can listen to.
Not because "it's not cool," but because most of those bands haven't aged well.
Loved Roxy Blue, but listen to that shit now? It's lame. How about Banglore Choir?
Great record for the time, now? It's whack.
I like Bangalore Choir. Nice choices with House Of Lords & Hardline there too.

Greeno: Yeah one of my friends got me into Bad Habit, great band! I was watching a TNT concert on video before from the Intuition tour (that's my fave album of theirs too), it was awesome. Tony Harnell has an amazing set of pipes on him!
The Trooper said:
Woah I loooove Ron Keel's voice! It's tough but melodic, very versatile, he pretty much does it all and I reckon sounds great! :headbang:
Trooper, I luv ya man, but we will just have to agree to disagree on Ron. He gives me an "Alka-seltzer" moment. :err:
