Hardcore is saving metal.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Forgive me father, for I have sinned. Just a few years ago, the mere mention of the word CORE made me wince, sigh, groan, and fart all at once. But now, those days are over. No I'm not going to shave my head and start wearing Cro-mags shirts, but I will say that hardcore is directly responsible for the metal genre to continue remaining fresh, cunning, and kickass. Trad. metal has been on full fledged rehash mode for years, just look at the latest Ozzfest with all the geezers, just how much new material will be on those setlists? Thrash metal is fucking dead, has been for ages. Yes I still listen to my old 'deth and Anthrax albums, but other than the occasional retro group, it hasn't offered anything new since the early 90's (and even that is pushing it). Death metal has grown stagnant, even the great ones like Mithras and Nile aren't revolutionary in the sense that Carcass and Death were, they are just really good. Black metal is the same, what was once pushing the envelope of decency has become commonplace, plus all the other elements involved in that genre are nowhere close to being metal (repeat after me: acoustic albums are not metal, they are NOT. FUCKING. METAL.). Melodeth... well I don't need to say anything there. :loco:

So where do we go for fresh new faces? Dillinger Escape Plan. Isis. Neurosis. Watchmaker. Meshuggah. These are the groups keeping metal alive, maintaining it as a hateful firebreathing dragon, the big fuck you to the mainstream and middle finger to your parents. These groups trace their history back to hardcore. Bravo.

Thoughts? Input? Death threats? HAVE AT YOU! :Spin:
I agree that there's been a surge of bands lately making themselves known that have hardcore roots/stylings

but I wouldn't say its saving metal

in fact outside of a (very) few doom/core (ugh!) bands (i.e. OMG, Isis) I don't like the trend.

I do appreciate the better musical techincality these bands have than past trends that have hit the mainstream, but its not my thing

edit: i would only call it saving in the sense that its making sales for music of a metal genre, but what does that matter
1: Thrash 'Till Death

2: Just cuz its new and inovative doesn't meen its good...listening to Meshugga is about as fun as doing math, and pretty much the same.

sooo...sooo..so...go get gauged ear peircings and star tattoos!! :yuk:

I don't really agree. I think that there is still a lot of Black Metal and Thrash Metal, but there the ones that are ACTUALLY giving a big fuck you/middle finger to the mainstream media, thats why "Black Metal" seems stagnant...cuz the bands you hear a lot are the same god damn band basicly, haha, and there not the ones pooping on the maintstream. Same with Thrash...both Thrash and Black are doing what Punk/Hardcore used to do...DIY.
cromags :lol:
that harley dude can come up with some awesome faces.

2: Just cuz its new and inovative doesn't meen its good...
This is very true, I hope it doesn't look like I'm saying new = better because that's not really what I mean. It's a working theory I just came up with a few minutes ago. :Spin:
listening to Meshugga is about as fun as doing math, and pretty much the same.
I think that explains why I like Meshuggah, I've always loved doing math. :lol:
If this is the music that's saving Metal then I'm inclined to think we're up the shit creek. I mean, would you want an Iron Maiden album with all the riffs backwards and in the wrong order with a bit of stop-start thrown in?
I guess I'm the only one that sees where NAD is coming from and not being stuck on OMG METUHL >>>>EVERYTHING ELSE BURZUM MAYHEM YEPPERS!!!

Like I said in another thread, the line between the -cores and metal is getting more blurry every day. We have tons of crossover bands, and while yes, 99% are crap, I can at least see where they might have some benefit. Bands like DEP, Mastodon, Converge and Meshuggah appeal MASSIVELY to each genre's fans. Then you have bands like Neurosis, Isis, perhaps Today is the Day, and maybe Cult of Luna that have basically nothing to do with -core anymore, but they aren't quite metal either.

And yes, metal is in a recession. I don't mind second or third tier bands, but some GOOD fresh music is a welcome thing, which is why I love Scald, and which is why Drudkh received a warm reception.

People need to learn this is not necessarily a bad thing. Of course, when most metal listeners think "hardcore", they think "slam dancing, shouty vocals, breakdowns, macho music". When most hardcore listeners think "metal" they think "ugly guys with long hair growling incoherently over chugga-chugga guitars".

People that diss -core for no other reason than a knee jerk reaction are just as bad as those idiots that go slam dancing, except they are on the opposite end of the spectrum.
I think Nad and J. make some really good points. I too think the line is becoming blurred. People get too hung up on genres and such. The same is true now as it always has been; it's song quality that matters.

J. understands where I'm going, I'm not saying the traditional hardcore bands are saving metal. In fact, I pretty much hate pure hardcore because it bores the fuck out of me. It's what has sprung out of the hardcore scene over the past several years, call it post-core I guess.

Zod of course is correct with the song quality comment.
IOfTheStorm said:
Only an american would say that hardcore is saving metal
I'm not sure I understand the connection, but if you were trying to be funny you succeeded. :loco:

lizard, I know, I saw it yesterday. IIIEIWIWEISIRDDSES.

This is one of two wacky theories I've had lately, the other deals with the purity of metal that many attribute to the wrong groups. I'll get to that later. :dopey:
It was a "joke" about the whole relation of americans with metal, us europeans have a more right idea about it, while you like "false metal" etc etc ... usa = the trend queen .. , you know bla bla bleh bleh
I agree with One Incher, J, Zod, Russell, etc. The lines are so blurred that people actually refer to Meshuggah as core! Meshuggah is simply techinical thrash that has evolved into something entirely their own. Nonetheless, I know what One Incher meant. As long as its pushing boundaries, I will probably like it. Too many people are stuck in the appeal of the "traditional" aspects of metal. Hell, Watchmaker's vocalist, Brian Livoti, confesses that he doesn't buy new stuff (with the exception of a few EXTREMELY undergound bands like Morbosidad), but somehow Watchmaker manages to sound like a fresh new band . . . rather than a tired done-it-before band just because the band memebers like all the traditional stuff. They aren't interested in ripping somebody off, they simply want to create something they can call their own.
Fuck 'core. Thrash continues to produce good music–Drunkard, Imagika, Sauron, Toxic Holocaust. And then there's the awesome power metal being released by Intromental, and the fact that in the past couple years all these ancient bands like Metal Church, Motörhead, and Exodus have released their best albums in years.

I continue to spit on modern metal and the tardcore that invades it.

(Post was moderately tongue-in-cheek, in case you couldn't tell.)