Thou speakest truth!Amarantus said:As if it matters. Anything produced by a metalcore band is already considered shit before it even leaves the studio.
Sorry Boo, there are some good breakdowns, but this just isn't one of them.Ex-cally-boo said:Yes, for the most part I hate hardcore as well but some bands can properly do breakdowns like ... HORSE the band.
Listen to Cutsman and tell me that the breakdown is not awesome.
paddy is wondering how can they suck assAmarantus said:Yeah, they fucking suck ass.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:Karma To Burn's breakdowns pwn all -core band breakdowns.
EH WHO DUDENecro Joe said:Very underrated band, nice to hear them mentioned.
OOH I SAY DUDENecro Joe said:As for the clowns that keep harping on about metalcore, I feel like as a fan of quite a few bands I should retort in some way but honestly there is so little substance to the posts you two keep making I can't be bothered. Buried Inside still own your dumb asses.