Has everyone checked out Adagio?

I haven't been able to find their cd's at any of the record stores I go to, so I guess I will have to break down and order it. Can somebody tell me what their sound is like and which cd's I should look into snatching??
They are like a darker, more technical Symphony X with an orchestra. Get "Underworld" it is worth every cent! This is probably the only time they will play the U.S. unless they play a future progpower. I don't see them doing a tour over here considering how much money Stephan Forte(guitarist) spends on the recording sessions.
I have both and to me Underworld is superior but not without its flaws. While the thematic elements are really cool, they seem somewhat forced. Unlike Once where the metal and soundtrackiness are blended seamlessly on Underworld its almost like "Thematic... metal.... thematic... metal" its always in parts, never really together.

Adagio is my #1 wanna-see for this PP. Should be headlining. They will be the show stealer!

Underworld is a great album. I've heard them described as epic, symphonic prog metal, so the Symphony X comparison is very valid. That should give you some idea of their sound. If you like Symphony X - V, you'll love the title track from Underworld.
Daybreaker said:
I have both and to me Underworld is superior but not without its flaws. While the thematic elements are really cool, they seem somewhat forced. Unlike Once where the metal and soundtrackiness are blended seamlessly on Underworld its almost like "Thematic... metal.... thematic... metal" its always in parts, never really together.


I just think that shows how Stephan Forte is influenced by Mozart. Mozart's music was very structured much like Forte's compositions, not just the orchestral stuff.
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how awesome they are!!!! I also think Underworld is their stronger release, and a general comparison to SymX is not unwarranted...but this is a more technical group and I definitley appreciate the attention to detail. This is first-class symphonic prog metal!!!

See ya there!!!
Thanks everyone for your constructive input on this band...I was going to check them out anyway as I want to make it a point to own at least one CD of every single band that will be playing in PP. By your description I can tell they are a band that I will definately enjoy!

Now I will hurry up and order their last 2 cd's online :D

BTW can anyone direct me to the link of their official site? Thx much
I will chime in though for some more praise on this band, I absolutely love the piano usage. It brings so much to the music, more bands need to realize this, you dont need all these weird effects and shit on your keys, many times a simple piano is all you need.

dargormudshark said:
They are like a darker, more technical Symphony X with an orchestra. Get "Underworld" it is worth every cent! This is probably the only time they will play the U.S. unless they play a future progpower. I don't see them doing a tour over here considering how much money Stephan Forte(guitarist) spends on the recording sessions.

Pretty good comparison there and I really dig "Underworld." They didn't hit me as hard as tad Morose, but this is a quality band. I am looking forward to seeing them and I will be rocking hard !!

In my case the more you listen to Underworld the more you love it. Probably because you notice something different everytime you listen to it. Also, the orchestra is so cool. I honestly think Stephan Forte should compose own Symphony or some concertos or something straight classical.
Bought Underworld a few weeks ago and am loving it more and more every listen. Definately a lot of talent there and am looking forward to seeing them as well as hearing future releases. I think this band has the potential to be something special.