Has Opeth ever had a huge impact on your mood while listening?

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
They always do for me.
Especially the more mellow songs.
"to bid you farewell" makes me feel sort of soft i guess, but in a really good way
i was driving five hours last friday and i made a cd called "mellopeth"(really cheesy i know) and it has all of their mellow songs with prologue and epilogue as the first and last tracks, and listening to that while driving at night really made me feel a way i hadn't ever before
i know it's cheesy, but damn that's why i love opeth's music so much
i would have never known that a sort of "death" metal like band could have so much emotion in their music.
I don't very often get worked up, but when I do, I can put on MAYH, or now most anything from Deliverance, and it'll get the agression right out. Otherwise, it just moves me. It's just beautiful music.
yes. all of morningrise does and is my favorite album, I couldnt imagine playing it while driving, I'd get distracted and drive off the road. well, same with any opeth album except maybe still life. MAYH gives me an adrenaline rush especially april ethereal. I plan to play Orchid a lot in the winter because thats what the album feels like.

wow, what a chaotic mess of incoherent thoughts.